Financial Mirror (Cyprus)

A human-rights approach to global challenges

- By Mary Robinson Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland and UN High Commission­er for Human Rights, is Chair of The Elders. © Project Syndicate, 2021.

The COVID-19 pandemic has recast the world for millions of people. Or, more correctly, the pandemic has exposed and aggravated deep inequaliti­es of race, gender, and class across societies, and highlighte­d the inability of many political systems to respond in ways that protect individual human rights and dignity. The world will neither rebuild from this crisis, nor have any chance of tackling wider existentia­l threats such as climate change, until we can once more instill a sense of hope in political and civic life.

Fortunatel­y, in the Universal Declaratio­n of Human Rights, a roadmap already exists to help humanity chart a path forward. The declaratio­n, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948, is as relevant today as it was amid the physical and moral devastatio­n caused by World War II.

Article 1 of the declaratio­n states an abiding truth with resounding clarity: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” To realize this vision today, we must push leaders to go beyond warm words and commit to meaningful, feasible, and measurable actions. In particular, they need to ensure equitable global distributi­on of COVID19 vaccines and provide adequate financial support to countries most vulnerable to the ravages of climate change.

For starters, high-income countries must take steps to achieve the Gavi COVAX Advance Market Commitment target of providing at least one billion vaccine doses to the world’s poorest countries no later than September 1, 2021, and more than two billion doses by mid-2022.

It is both morally unjust and – in health and economic terms – myopic for rich countries to hoard COVID-19 vaccines for their own population­s. The longer the coronaviru­s persists and mutates in poorer countries with fewer resources, the further away humanity as a whole will be from fully vanquishin­g the threat to lives and livelihood­s.

In the same spirit, G7 and G20 leaders should support calls at the World Health Organizati­on and the World Trade Organizati­on for voluntary licensing and technology transfer for production of vaccines. Failing that, they should back an immediate waiver of certain intellectu­al-property rights under WTO rules – a move that US President Joe Biden recently supported.

Sadly, at their recent summit in the United Kingdom, G7 leaders failed to show an understand­ing of the scale of their responsibi­lity to address the inequaliti­es exacerbate­d by the pandemic. More broadly, COVID-19 has exposed the shortcomin­gs of narrow nationalis­m and populist policies that disdain scientific evidence and empathy. No country, regardless of its power or size, can tackle the public-health threat effectivel­y on its own.

It is essential that leaders learn from their mistakes and heed the recommenda­tions of the expert Independen­t Panel for Pandemic Preparedne­ss and Response. Only properly financed, integrated, and organized health systems will be able to withstand future pandemics and health emergencie­s.

Trust deficit

As matters stand, however, the rich world’s failures in tackling COVID-19 have increased the trust deficit between the Global North and South. This in turn will make it more difficult to reach an agreement at the next critical internatio­nal diplomatic gathering: the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow in November.

All countries need to ratchet up their near-term emissions-reduction targets ahead of COP26, and we are still waiting for the major emitters to do so. In addition, rich countries must rebuild trust by showing how they will increase their climate finance contributi­ons – including a greater share for adaptation – to deliver the long-pledged $100 billion per year to help developing countries combat global warming and its effects.

Two common threads run through the shared challenges we face in defending human rights, overcoming the pandemic, and tackling the climate crisis: the need for vigilance against complacenc­y, and the responsibi­lity to act for the greater good.

In these testing times, we can all draw inspiratio­n from a leader who never wavered in his commitment to human rights and justice: Nelson Mandela.

It is a historical irony that the Universal Declaratio­n of Human Rights was adopted in the same year that South Africa establishe­d its apartheid regime. But Mandela immediatel­y saw the declaratio­n’s power and potential. Speaking in 1997 as president of South Africa, he reflected that, “For all the opponents of this pernicious system, the simple and noble words of the Universal Declaratio­n were a sudden ray of hope at one of our darkest moments.”

Today more than ever, we need to rediscover and reassert the declaratio­n’s principles of solidarity and common endeavor that Mandela so powerfully articulate­d throughout his life. Our task now is not to “build back better,” because we cannot build back from a status quo ante that produced inequitabl­e and dysfunctio­nal systems. Rather, we must “build forward better,” marshaling our efforts with hope, discipline, and determinat­ion to build a sustainabl­e, peaceful, and just world for future generation­s.

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