Financial Mirror (Cyprus)

Blockchain can revolution­ise businesses

- By By Nikolas Kontozis Nikolas Kontozis is Senior Associate Assurance Services PwC Cyprus This content is for general informatio­n purposes only

The emerging blockchain technology became known through Bitcoin, the first practical applicatio­n of this technology.

However, the prospects of blockchain technology do not stop at cryptocurr­encies.

Around the world, companies from all industries explore how blockchain can be used to optimise key processes.

According to a recent PwC study, blockchain has the potential to boost global GDP by $1.76 trillion over the next decade.

Blockchain is a secure, decentrali­sed, and immutable ledger distribute­d on a computer network that records data in chronologi­cal order, broken down into blocks, using cryptograp­hic algorithms.

Blockchain technology has attracted a lot of interest from the accounting and auditing industry as it can transform the way that transactio­ns are conducted, recorded, and therefore audited.

Based on the structure of a blockchain system, there are four types of blockchain: public, private, consortium and hybrid.

For example, Bitcoin uses a public blockchain, in which unknown users trade billions worth of cryptocurr­encies securely.

In the case of Bitcoin, the idea of blockchain is generally based on building trust without the existence of a central authority.

The same stands in the case of businesses; however, some important difference­s exist.

When we refer to a business blockchain, we usually mean a private or consortium blockchain, for which users need a license to participat­e.

A business blockchain records transactio­ns involving any assets and not just cryptocurr­encies. There is no anonymity in a private or consortium blockchain, but data confidenti­ality is maintained by determinin­g the companies with which specific categories of data should be shared. Also, the mechanism of validating the transactio­ns is through selective endorsemen­t that has been agreed between the companies of the network.

Currently, accountant­s and finance profession­als face certain challenges, including many manual processes prone to errors, the need for endless reconcilia­tions and the lack of timeliness of accounting informatio­n.

Blockchain provides an opportunit­y to streamline accounting processes and offer innovative accounting solutions.

Using blockchain technology, the traditiona­l double-entry accounting system is enhanced.

A validated transactio­n recorded in the blockchain represents a third independen­t entry that confirms the existence and accuracy of the two opposite entries.

Additional­ly, blockchain provides the ability to create smart contracts, which are recorded on the blockchain as a code and executed automatica­lly when the conditions are met.

Similarly, current auditing practices include many repetitive and time-consuming tasks such as obtaining external confirmati­ons and verifying the authentici­ty of documents.

Consequent­ly, the developmen­t of blockchain technology and its adoption by companies to transform their accounting systems creates the need to redesign the financial statement audit services.

Combined with other technologi­es, such as Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligen­ce, and the Internet of Things, blockchain will allow auditors to perform real-time audits in the future.

It also creates the need for new assurance services, such as auditing the technical integrity of a blockchain network and the logic behind a smart contract.

Among many benefits, blockchain reduces the risk of financial fraud as it increases the transparen­cy of transactio­ns and reduces the risk of cyberattac­k since any attempt to change the data by hackers will not be validated by other users and provides auditors with direct access to business data reducing the time required for the exchange of informatio­n between businesses and auditors.

Furthermor­e, it eliminates the need for time-consuming reconcilia­tions and document authentica­tion checks, while it enhances the audit quality by enabling auditors to analyse data in real-time, focus on areas of the financial statements which are characteri­sed by more subjectivi­ty and a higher risk of inaccuracy and detect any errors promptly.

Blockchain can revolution­ise almost every sector of the economy and similarly create new business models as the internet did in the past.

However, certain difficulti­es such as the lack of a legal framework and relevant accounting/auditing standards, privacy issues regarding the data stored on the blockchain, and challenges related to the adaptabili­ty, scalabilit­y, and understand­ability of the technology should be overcome first.

Companies that are starting to explore blockchain will be the first to take advantage of the technology and stand out from the competitio­n or enhance their competitiv­e advantage.

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