Financial Mirror (Cyprus)

NFTs - A digital economy game changer

- By Charalambo­s Sergiou, Nikolas Stratis and Alexandros Vacanas Charalambo­s Sergiou is Partner, Blockchain & Tax Advisory, Nikolas Stratis, Senior Associate, Blockchain Alexandros Vacanas, Senior Associate, Blockchain, at PwC Cyprus

In a fast-changing, global economic environmen­t, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), backed by blockchain technology, emerged to disrupt how our world creates, perceives, and transfers value.

Features such as transparen­cy, improved liquidity of assets, transactio­ns traceabili­ty, and proof of ownership are of paramount importance across industries in today’s market.

All the above contribute­d to the rapid developmen­t of NFTs during the last months.

The rise of Blockchain

Understand­ing NFTs can only arise by considerin­g the series of technologi­cal advancemen­ts over recent years.

In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto introduced the idea of Bitcoin, a peer to peer network that facilitate­s transactio­ns in a digital environmen­t.

The solution proposed involved the developmen­t of a decentrali­sed network of trust between unknown to each other market participan­ts, using cryptograp­hic algorithms.

Trust between transactin­g parties allows the flawless exchange of value, limiting the risk for both the sender and the receiver.

In a convention­al market, trust is establishe­d between participan­ts through the use of centralise­d intermedia­ries which facilitate transactio­ns.

However, Satoshi’s paper created a different dimension of trust governed only by mathematic­al principles, eliminatin­g the middle parties acting as agents and overcoming the inherent risks and limitation­s faced by centralisa­tion, including time delays, cybersecur­ity risks, and loss through custodian error or poor performanc­e.

In 2008 little was known of what was about to follow.

Although Bitcoin’s growth was shaded by scepticism regarding the scalabilit­y and sustainabi­lity of the technology, it dragged the attention of several investors and software developers.

Another important milestone was the developmen­t of smart contracts enabling blockchain­s.

This allowed the programmab­ility of transactio­ns, and it meant that the idea of decentrali­sed trust expanded beyond the exchange of cryptocurr­encies or money to more complicate­d digital trades.

What are NFTs

NFTs are unique tokens issued or minted on a blockchain platform.

Their non-fungible nature arises from the fact that they represent the ownership of an underlying object, digital or physical.

Each token transactio­n, including minting, is traceable, proving the origin and ownership of tokens immutable. Data cannot be altered to cause discrepanc­y and exchangeab­ility in a digital world with improved transactio­n time.

This creates a world where anything of value can be represente­d in the form of tokens which can be easily sold to other market participan­ts in the exchange of fiat money, goods or other tokens.

Hence, upon the broader adoption of Blockchain backed NFTs, significan­t disruption is expected across several industries and markets.

Indeed, taking a closer look at the potential applicatio­ns of NFTs, one can appreciate the wide spectrum of benefits offered by the technology that is applicable in today’s economy.

Music and digital art

The most apparent applicatio­n of NFT technology in recent years has been the representa­tion of digital art ownership.

Artists, minting creations on Blockchain, can directly access a broad market without the need of intermedia­ries.

Automation ensures that original creators are compensate­d fairly by allowing features such as access to gains from future sales.

Physical assets ownership

Ownership of physical assets in the form of land, buildings or equipment, jewellery etc., can also be represente­d using NFTs.

Title deeds or ownership certificat­es can be replaced with a digital token that cannot be forged or destroyed.

This allows market participan­ts to exchange legal ownership of assets effectivel­y and efficientl­y while improving the liquidity of the assets.

Education and research

The immutabili­ty offered by blockchain technology allows third parties to directly verify the authentici­ty of educationa­l accreditat­ions or certificat­es, improving transparen­cy.

Literary property can be protected through NFTs, improving the value of research activity.


The introducti­on of blockchain technology in gaming is expected to face exponentia­l growth in the coming years.

Exchange of achievemen­ts and collectabl­e gaming items through an in-game marketplac­e can expand using the interopera­ble features of Blockchain to trade between different gaming platforms and applicatio­ns.


Collectors can verify and prove the scarcity of their items through the immutable and transparen­t blockchain ledger using NFTs.

At the same time, the value of collectabl­es is readily available to potential buyers if those are traded within a public blockchain environmen­t.

The future

While the NFT industry has significan­tly expanded and evolved rapidly over the past months, there is still a large area for exploratio­n and exploitati­on, especially in industries and sectors that have not yet assessed and evaluated its potential and applicatio­n.

The meteoric rise of the NFT market in 2021 concentrat­ed in the collectabl­e industry, mostly relating to digital artwork, dominated by sports highlights, GIFanimate­d artwork and other collectabl­e items.

Neverthele­ss, new market segments emerged in the second half of the year. Moreover, with digital collectabl­es still the main driver in NFT sales, the range of transactio­ns has spread to other industries such as fashion, gaming assets and music, indicating the new directions of growth.

The embedded characteri­stics in the nature of non-fungible tokens can establish value for creators in both the private and public sectors.

NFTs are starting to develop and shape into a more concrete direction, in parallel with other regulatory and market changes expected to impact its evolution.

The future of NFTs is undoubtedl­y looking bright, taking centre stage, in line with the developmen­t of the metaverse, which is closely related to the applicatio­n of NFTs.

The expansion and growth of the metaverse concept is also a driving force in the rise of NFTs as there will be an increased number of digital assets and online marketplac­es for people to transact with.

Following these considerat­ions and as we gradually advance into a multiverse, the virtual world is expected to become a significan­t part of our daily lives and its products, which could either be exclusivel­y digital or virtual representa­tions of physical assets; NFTs represent one of the most revolution­ary innovation­s of the last decades.

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