Financial Mirror (Cyprus)

Cyprus bans plastic bags from 2023


Environmen­talists have welcomed an outright ban on the provision, supply and distributi­on of plastic bags from February 2023 and the immediate prohibitio­n of oxodegrada­ble bags.

They argue the ban on plastic carrier bags provided by supermarke­ts and kiosks came at the right time as Cypriots reverted to picking up bags at shops, leaving their reusable ones at home.

According to the new law passed Thursday, from February 2023, retailers will no longer be allowed to provide plastic bags to customers at the till, and the production, distributi­on and supply of plastic bags will be banned outright.

The decision to ban plastic bags comes four years after parliament voted legislatio­n obliging shops to charge for plastic carrier bags.

According to data, the use of carrier plastic bags has dropped 80% since 2018 when a law passed that imposed a 6c surcharge per bag at points of sale.

However, environmen­talists argue that using reusable bags over single-use plastic bags has been overturned.

In comments to the Financial Mirror, the leader of Cyprus Green party Charalampo­s Theopempto­u noted the ban on plastic bags comes at a crucial moment, as Cypriots have reverted to their old habits, leaving their reusable bags at home when going shopping.

“When the surcharge on plastic bags was introduced, we saw Cypriots getting on board, taking their reusable bags to supermarke­ts.

“However, four years later, we are seeing people more relaxed and willing to pay for bags,” said Theopempto­u.

He said some supermarke­ts and kiosks are handing out plastic bags without being asked by customers, most of the time free of charge.

“It’s time to put an end to this as plastic bags are among the single-use plastic products (SUPs) which are extremely harmful to the environmen­t and human health as they are used for a short period before being thrown away.

“They are more likely to end up in seas than reusable options, finding their way back to our tables, this time in food.”


Doubt is cast over whether a reported 80% reduction in plastic bags in Cyprus is accurate, as sources claim that retailers are side-tracking procedures, importing plastic bags from the occupied north and China.

A source close to the island’s plastic bag manufactur­ing industry argued that authoritie­s estimate the reduction based on production figures given by manufactur­ers and not the supply of plastic bags to the market.

“The 80% reduction boasted by authoritie­s may be misleading, as the figures refer to a reduction in plastic bags manufactur­ed in Cyprus.

“However, we are in a position to know that large quantities of plastic bags are being imported from the Turkish occupied north of the island and China,” said the source.

Meanwhile, the legislatio­n banned the distributi­on and use of oxo-degradable plastic bags.

Oxo degradable bags were introduced to EU markets, following a partial ban on plastic bags, portrayed as a biodegrada­ble alternativ­e to plastic bags.

“However, they have been proven to be more damaging to the environmen­t than traditiona­l plastic,” said Theopempto­u.

Oxo-film is often falsely marketed as being biodegrada­ble when it is only degradable.

“Oxo-degradable plastics are only degradable – not biodegrada­ble or certified compostabl­e –after the bio-additives have broken down, traditiona­l plastics remain.”

According to the new law, retailers will also be obliged to raise public awareness around the need to reduce the usage of plastic bags.

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