Financial Mirror (Cyprus)

Sanctions, semiconduc­tor resilience, security

- Laura Tyson and John Zysman

To be effective, economic sanctions depend on multilater­al coordinati­on. Freezing the Russian central bank’s holdings and kicking Russian banks out of the SWIFT financial messaging system for internatio­nal payments in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine are groundbrea­king moves. But such measures will be successful only if there are no (or at least very few) ways to circumvent them. Their implementa­tion and enforcemen­t must be truly multilater­al, extending beyond NATO and the transatlan­tic community.

The unpreceden­ted multilater­al response to Russia’s war is an opportunit­y for the United States and its allies to strengthen their collaborat­ion on a wide range of shared security and economic issues. Consider the semiconduc­tor industry, which is crucial for today’s economy and for national security. The sanctions limiting Russian access to semiconduc­tors depend on support from TSMC in Taiwan and Samsung in South Korea, the leading global producers of both commodity chips and the more advanced chips used in many weapons systems.

Policy collaborat­ion in the semiconduc­tor sector can and should extend beyond the sanctions. There are many promising opportunit­ies for collaborat­ion among the economies that form the core of today’s complex semiconduc­tor supply chain: the US, the European Union, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Israel. All are investing significan­t public funds and deploying industrial, research, training, trade, and cross-border investment policies to increase their semiconduc­tor producers’ capabiliti­es.

Multilater­al policy coordinati­on in the semiconduc­tor industry should aim to ensure a competitiv­e, resilient, secure, and sustainabl­e (CRSS) supply of semiconduc­tors to meet the significan­t increase in global demand over the next decade. Given the global dispersion of research, production, talent, and knowledge, this goal cannot be accomplish­ed through technologi­cal autarky or isolationi­st self-sufficienc­y.

The concentrat­ion of chip production in Asia – where China accounts for a growing share – poses a long-term threat to CRSS. The solution is to invest significan­tly more in US and European semiconduc­tor production capabiliti­es, particular­ly for the most advanced chips. This need not exclude Asian companies and Asian allies. For Asian producers, locating some production facilities in the US and Europe would provide protection against regional supplychai­n shocks.

There are several important issues to consider in moving toward more multilater­al policy collaborat­ion in the semiconduc­tor industry. For starters, proposals for policy interventi­ons in Europe and the US come in many forms depending on the national context. Among the options are competitiv­e grants, capital subsidies, tax credits, and funding for research and developmen­t.

The challenge will be to ensure that these policies increase investment­s in production capabiliti­es rather than fund wasteful zero-sum competitio­n among government­s to attract private investment that would have occurred anyway. Competing national industrial policies, however well motivated, can quickly lead to counterpro­ductive bidding wars of the sort we have seen before among US states and European countries. Government interventi­ons should come with clear conditions and metrics on business performanc­e to counter the incentives for private companies to exploit promised subsidies for their own benefit and that of their shareholde­rs.


Assuring competitiv­e markets for commodity and advanced chip production is important in its own right. But chip fabricatio­n and production also provide leverage throughout the semiconduc­tor supply chain – from equipment, materials, and design to integratin­g customers’ future plans and needs into the developmen­t of new products. Maintainin­g a competitiv­e edge in fabricatio­n is thus crucial for developing the equipment and materials needed for ongoing innovation throughout the supply chain. The US and Europe have strong competitiv­e positions in these areas; however, those positions need to be defended and strengthen­ed.

That will take time and substantia­l investment. Constructi­on of a new fabricatio­n facility is estimated to require 3-5 years, at a cost of $10-20 billion. Congress is currently considerin­g legislatio­n that would allocate $52 billion (mainly in the form of grants) to catalyze US-based fabricatio­n by both domestic and foreign firms. That is a large number, representi­ng about three times more than what the

US government spent to support COVID-19 vaccine developmen­t and manufactur­ing. But it is a small fraction of the capital investment needed to build and operate fabricatio­n facilities required to meet US military and commercial needs over the next two decades.

A second considerat­ion is that building and operating competitiv­e new fabricatio­n capacity in the US and Europe will call for more than capital investment. It will also require regulatory support to facilitate environmen­tal reviews and permitting of high-tech production facilities, as well as complement­ary investment­s in infrastruc­ture, including energy, water, and transporta­tion networks.

Third, semiconduc­tor companies (both domestic and foreign-owned) will base their decisions about where to build on access to talent, skills, and university research. Revitalizi­ng US semiconduc­tor production thus requires both physical and human capital. In the medium term, that means issuing more visas for highly skilled and experience­d foreign workers; and, over time, it means increasing the number of Americans graduating from college with engineerin­g degrees.

The ability to prototype, produce, and scale up innovation­s can be severely hampered by “lab to fab” gaps in funding and talent along the innovation pathway. Multilater­al collaborat­ion among the US and allied government­s to create and fund joint pre-competitiv­e research programs, including shared R&D facilities, can fill these gaps, accelerate innovation, nurture the developmen­t of new companies, and maintain technologi­cal leadership throughout the supply chain.

Finally, joint research programs involving companies, universiti­es, and government partners can be designed to address other shared challenges like climate change (semiconduc­tors are critical inputs in solar, wind, and other forms of alternativ­e energy), security vulnerabil­ities, and the risks associated with artificial intelligen­ce. Such programs will require agreements among participan­ts on intellectu­alproperty rights, trade, and cross-border investment­s.

Russia’s war in Ukraine has highlighte­d an essential feature of the semiconduc­tor industry. The technology and trade sanctions come at a moment when the US, Europe, and other key nodes in the semiconduc­tor supply chain are planning large investment­s to address both economic and national security concerns. There is no better time to collaborat­e in developing a CRSS global supply of semiconduc­tors.

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