Financial Mirror (Cyprus)

Doctor Google will see you now


For many people nowadays, the first port of call upon discoverin­g an unusual rash or feeling a worrying pain is not the doctor, but rather Google. Figures from Eurostat show the countries which are relying the most on medical informatio­n from the internet. In Finland, 8 out of 10 respondent­s said that they had turned to the web for healthrela­ted informatio­n - an increase of 22%age points on 2011. Denmark recorded similar levels of reliance on Dr. Google 75%.

In Spain in 2011, just 38% of adults professed to seeking medical informatio­n online, but as our infographi­c shows, there has been a huge increase, with 69% now saying they turn to Google et al for health advice. A similarly large increase was also recorded in Ireland. In Germany, however, reliance on the internet for these topics saw a decrease between 2011 and 2021 - from 54 to 45%. (Statista)

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