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Iconic skyscraper remains a symbol

The Empire State offers clues on whether office buildings will ever be the same in the post-pandemic future Naučte se gramatiku podle textu


work-from-home arrangemen­ts. Yet even among those who plan to maintain a presence when the time comes, few expect to ever return to a workplace like the one they knew before coronaviru­s.

Global Brands Group, which licenses the likes of Calvin Klein, signed a 15-year lease for six floors of office space in 2011 but has already told employees based in New York that they will never be required to come back to the office. Such shifting attitudes could spell trouble for Empire State Realty Trust Inc, which owns and manages the building, as well as for other commercial real-estate companies across the city and beyond.

New York City office property values have likely fallen 10% during the pandemic, said Daniel Ismail, lead analyst at a real-estate research firm. Empire State Realty shares are down nearly 53% since the end of 2019.

Ismail pointed to pressuring factors for the company, including the covid-19 shutdown of the Empire State Building’s observator­y – a tourism magnet that last year generated more than a fifth of revenue for the group. Some tenants say they have no intention of leaving. Officials from smaller non-profit tenants like the Human Rights Foundation and Human Rights Watch said the iconic building lends credibilit­y with donors and potential partners, regardless of where staff work.

But other tenants are less confident. Unsure what the future of work might look like, they questioned whether it makes sense to spend big dollars for office space when remote operations have been working just fine.

Dnes se podíváme na trpný rod v průběhové formě, který se vyskytl ve větě: „The same quandary is being played out… “(„Stejné dilema se právě odehrává…“). Trpný rod je tvořen pomocným slovesem be a minulým příčestím slovesa, např. is made (je vyroben), was written (byl napsán), has been done (byl udělán) apod. Pokud chceme vyjádřit, že je/bylo v danou chvíli něco konáno, použijeme průběhovou formu, tedy: is being made (právě se vyrábí), was being written (právě se psal). V jiných časech se tato forma nepoužívá.

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My car is / is being repaired now. Your car is / is being repaired; you can pick it up. The bridge was / was being built many years ago. The bridge was / was being built when I started going to school.

 ?? MAFRA ?? The Empire State Building rises high above Manhattan
MAFRA The Empire State Building rises high above Manhattan

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