Lidové noviny

Crisanti calls for broader testing

The scientist who tried to challenge World Health Organizati­on guidelines warned of symptomles­s virus transmissi­on Naučte se gramatiku podle textu


problems triggered by overstretc­hed health service.

Unlike some countries, such as Germany and South Korea, Italy decided to adhere to the initial testing advice. An official in the health ministry in Rome said the guidance was based on the scientific evidence available at the time.

As news of the mystery illness started to emerge from China, Crisanti said he immediatel­y believed the virus could be transmitte­d by asymptomat­ic patients. A month before Italy reported its first official death an from the disease on Feb 21, his university laboratory developed a test to detect the virus and obtained enough diagnostic reagents to make 500,000 swabs.

However, health authoritie­s in Veneto blocked his first planned testing programme.

In the face of resistance, Crisanti dropped the plan. “Under a lot of pressure, I let myself be swayed to minimise the gravity of the situation,” he said. The issue continues to spark disagreeme­nt between scientists and the WHO.

Lat month, Crisanti joined a chorus of criticism over a WHO official’s remark that such asymptomat­ic transmissi­on was “very rare”. The official, Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO’s technical lead on the pandemic, later qualified her comment, saying up to 40% of transmissi­ons may be asymptomat­ic.

The Italian Health Ministry official said it was too soon to judge the WHO position. “This is not the moment to draw a conclusion about the WHO handling of the pandemic. There will be the right time and the right place.

Dnes se podíváme na příponu -less přídavného jména, které se nachází ve větě: „To combat such symptomles­s transmissi­on…”. („Aby mohli bojovat s takovým bezpříznak­ovým přenosem…“). Přidáním přípony -less k některým podstatným jménům vytvoříme přídavné jméno, které označuje nepřítomno­st dané vlastnosti, např. powerless (bezmocný), harmless (neškodný), tactless (netaktní). Pravým opakem je pak přípona -ful označující stav ‚plnosti‘ dotyčné vlastnosti, např. useful (užitečný), meaningful (smysluplný), painful (bolestivý) apod.

Přeložte: hopeless case, helpful colleague, careless driver, harmful chemicals, useless object, painless treatment, thankful person

 ?? REUTERS ?? A health worker wearing a protective gear takes a swab from a person sitting in a car in Collegno, near Turin, Italy
REUTERS A health worker wearing a protective gear takes a swab from a person sitting in a car in Collegno, near Turin, Italy

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