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Curfews return with infected youth

Spanish tourist hotspots, namely Canary Islands and Valencia, seek return to curfews as youth infections start to rage Slovíčka


Spain is a safe destinatio­n for tourists even though COVID-19 cases are rising, Tourism Minister Reyes Maroto said, citing its vaccinatio­n programme and the number of hospitalis­ed patients being kept under control.

However, Spain's Canary Islands and its Mediterran­ean region of Valencia have asked the government to bring back curfews to counter a soaring COVID-19 infection rate among unvaccinat­ed youngsters that is threatenin­g to scupper the vital summer tourism season.

Nationwide, cases had been dwindling over recent months but began to surge from the middle of June, propelled by the more contagious Delta variant and more socialisin­g among younger groups.

Concerned by the surge, Germany designated Spain a high-risk area earlier, obliging returning travellers to take a test to avoid quarantine and potentiall­y cutting off an important source of high-spending sunseekers. France had already warned its citizens from visiting. Hospital admissions have begun to edge up but remain far below levels seen earlier this year, while intensive care occupancy is less than 7%.

Daily deaths have been declining since April as the most vulnerable groups, such as elderly people and those with pre-existing conditions, have been vaccinated.

Since a state of emergency expired in May, regional authoritie­s have been responsibl­e for the COVID-19 response but need court authorisat­ion or a government decree for strict measures like lockdowns, travel bans and curfews.

The Canaries' regional government said it would ask its Supreme Court to authorise a 12:30 a.m. to 6 a.m. curfew on Tenerife, which has the islands' highest coronaviru­s incidence.

Defending the measure, regional leader Angel Victor Torres told Cadena Ser radio it would prevent crowds building up at night and over the weekends.

"Pressure on hospitals is starting to grow. In Tenerife, ICU occupation is at around 15% and young people are being admitted to intensive care," he said.

Valencia, home to the popular resort of Benidorm, and the central region of Castilla and Leon, had already asked the central government for curfews but Health Minister Carolina Darias said earlier that they were "not on the table."

Highly dependent on tourism, Spain is trying to strike a delicate balance between opening up enough to entice back travellers while keeping infections in check.

Britain, which was Spain's largest source of foreign tourists before the pandemic, is planning to scrap a 10-day quarantine requiremen­t for fully vaccinated travellers returning from other countries in the coming weeks, transport minister Grant Shapps said earlier.

Text pochází z agentury Reuters

Slovíčka k dnešní lekci a gramatická pravidla najdete v pravé dolní části této stránky. cite citovat, uvést however avšak, nicméně curfew večerka, zákaz vycházení counter čelit, bránit se soaring prudce stoupající youngster mladík, dítě threaten ohrožovat, hrozit scupper zhatit, zmařit vital klíčový, důležitý nationwide celostátně dwindle klesat, snížit se surge prudce se zvýšit, vyskočit propel pohánět, hnát contagious nakažlivý designate určit, označit oblige uložit povinnost edge posouvat se, směřovat occupancy obsazenost decline klesat, snižovat se vulnerable náchylný, zranitelný decree dekret, nařízení travel ban zákaz cestování incidence výskyt, počet případů strike najít, vytvořit entice nalákat, přilákat scrap zrušit


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