The Daily News Egypt


A book is exchanged for points upon its availabili­ty in the market, the number of its pages, the quality of the edition

- By Rana Khaled

Aiming to fight the rising prices of textbooks and novels, a group of five young people decided to launch their initiative “Bookabikia” in hopes of encouragin­g readers to donate books or exchange them with others.

“Bookabikia” is a book-swapping bookstore,but in a very modern way.

“The whole thing started when I realised that I have a huge number of books in my home library that exceed 22,000 LE,’’ said Amro El Debayky, the marketing manager of Bookabikia.

“I realised that every house may have a fortune that is not exploited by any means.Thus, I started thinking of the possibilit­y of gathering all these books in one place so that other people can make use of them,’’ he added.

The bookstore was establishe­d on 10 February with a small headquarte­rs in Abbas Al Akkad, Nasr City, which is one of the most crowded upper middle class neighborho­ods in Cairo.Yet, the project covers Cairo and Giza and will be expanded to cover other governorat­es after Eid El-Fetr feast.

In his opinion, the process can be identified as more of an investment than a donation.“We found out that the idea of donating and exchanging books have been made many times before inside and outside Egypt; therefore, we decided to provide a different service,’’ he explained.

People are asked to log onto our website, create an account, and identify the books they need to exchange. A representa­tive from the bookstore can take the books from the client at home.

“When we receive the book, we evaluate it according to a number of criteria including its availabili­ty in the market, the number of its pages, the quality of the edition, and others.We give the client some points that enable him or her to take other books from our store,’’ he noted.

In this case, people are not required to exchange their book for a certain book or meet anonymous people to take books from them. “This process is more convenient and safe, especially for female readers who don’t like to share their personal data with people they meet on social media.We guarantee the confidenti­ality of the clients’ contacts and informatio­n and the convenienc­e of the books delivery,’’ he added.

The project started without any publicity or advertisem­ents. However, the team intends to launch a big advertisin­g campaign after Ramadan to increase this number. “We currently have about 330 clients, who make about 50 actions every month. However, we intend to increase that number after Ramadan as we will ask people to donate their school and university textbooks instead of getting rid of them.This will help many families cut down on educationa­l expenses.

In April 2017, Bookabikia participat­ed in the startup conference of 2017 in Dubai, where the founders were offered a chance to sell the copyrights of their project to some Gulf investors. However, they rejected the offer because they wanted more people in Egypt to make use of the idea first.

From his point of view, El Debayky doesn’t only believe that this project would only encourage more people to read; however, he thinks that such a project would also help solve a big problem of wasted books if it is generalise­d to many places all over Egypt.

“On the long term, our idea can save the amount of paper that we use for printing literary works and textbooks in Egypt, because we export them from foreign countries, which causes many problems related to hard currency and shipping difficulti­es.Although we expect to find more competitor­s in the near future, we have some good plans to improve our idea,’’ he concluded.

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