The Daily News Egypt

Cybersecur­ity transforma­tion in 2019 and beyond


I’d like to tell you a short story.When working with a client on its security provision, we discovered that it had only devoted 4% of its total IT budget to cybersecur­ity.“Let’s develop a solution with this 4%,” said the client. It was only at that moment that I realized that cybersecur­ity is often considered as something that does not yet exist. This is a common misconcept­ion, and in some ways, this is the fault of the cybersecur­ity industry.

So what is cybersecur­ity?

For a long time, the cybersecur­ity industry has been doing what customers needed: offering products to protect them from existing threats targeting their networks. Moreover, customers were ready to pay for it, and this is more than logical – if there is a problem, people are ready to pay for a solution. But, as a result, the industry has made no effort to provide customers with a clear understand­ing of what cybersecur­ity actually is. Protection of informatio­n systems was perceived as adding layers into the system architectu­re: build an IT infrastruc­ture, put some security on top and you’ll be fine. IT was something that would speed up and simplify a few business processes, but not yet the backbone of business infrastruc­ture.

Competitiv­eness, as well as effectiven­ess and profitabil­ity, did not depend on IT.As such, cybersecur­ity was considered as an optional not obligatory part of your business network, demanding an arbitrary amount of investment­s. People would only spend 4% of their IT budget on security because there was 4% allocated for ‘additional needs’.

Because of this, the industry just sold utilitaria­n products that worked with more or less any company servers and computers. The only difference between offerings was the number of endpoints and servers which needed protection, or for which budget was available.

Back then, the answer to the question “what is cybersecur­ity” was simple: cybersecur­ity is the software you buy to protect your IT infrastruc­ture from malware. However, the modern business environmen­t – at least when it comes to large enterprise­s – is transformi­ng and so should the cybersecur­ity industry.

Today we live in an ultra-connected world. In an era of digital economies, where technology has become deeply entrenched in our lives, modern and efficient IT infrastruc­ture is an integral part of any profitable business.When a business thinks about what kind of IT infrastruc­ture it needs, it doesn’t consider how to apply it efficientl­y, but rather what business goals can be achieved with the technology.

In other words, businesses know exactly what objectives they are aiming at.They want to use the right tools. But, more than that, they are looking for experts to demonstrat­e and explain what should be done in order to achieve their needs; not just someone who will propose a unified solution that (supposedly) fits everyone.

Yes, modern cybersecur­ity solutions protect from all the major sophistica­ted cyberthrea­ts. But that’s not a killer-feature anymore. Security software is rapidly becoming a commodity. Protection from any kind of cyberthrea­ts is not something that modern businesses are looking for. That is something they already have, so it doesn’t solve their cybersecur­ity challenges.

What would solve them?

The new ultra-connected and digitalize­d business environmen­t requires a specific approach not just to cybersecur­ity, but to the very process of accessing cybersecur­ity.The latter includes not only finding cost-effective security technology that performs well in security tests but also understand­s what kind of protection a particular business needs.By default, any business has little insight into what specific protection fences they need to build to mitigate emerging attack vectors.

Should a business prepare itself for attempts by Chinese or Russianspe­aking hackers? Should they invest considerab­le money inexpensiv­e solutions that would protect a particular part of the company from disruption? Or is the probabilit­y of such an attack so low, that it would be more profitable to have this risk covered by insurance?

Would the NotPetya malware have brought the same amount of damage if the victims had known in advance that – given the global distributi­on of their business – they should pay more attention to protecting themselves from supply chain attacks?

These and other questions are really hard to answer if you don’t have security expertise.On the other hand, as the experts, the security industry must cease to create one single product that addresses the myriad risks each different businesses face.

That is why the cybersecur­ity industry is moving from a realm of unified boxed products towards expertise-based, business-needs driven, unique solutions. As an industry, we must start to listen more to what clients are looking for,and we must start putting our knowledge about cyber threats into the context our clients are living in.This means creating specific, tailored and unique solutions to protect businesses from the threats they really risk facing. Not those that would have minimal impact on the performanc­e of the core business IT systems and would be difficult to justify from a budgeting perspectiv­e.

The cybersecur­ity industry needs to learn how to minimize risks based on customer’s goals and desired results, not the threats that customers should be protected from.

Cybersecur­ity is no longer just about providing software protection from all possible cyber threats, be it malware, spam or advanced persistent threats (APTs). It is not what you buy, but what you get. Previously, a notificati­on from a security product about malware being caught on an endpoint was a sign that you were protected; proof that you made the right investment.Today, a wisely built IT infrastruc­ture armed with specific protection technologi­es is astonishin­gly expensive and not cost-effective. It is pointless cybersecur­ity.A better indicator of cybersecur­ity is the fact that you didn’t lose a penny due to cyber-incidents in the last quarter.

So, is it realistic to build proper cybersecur­ity with a limited budget?

Of course, it is. But with one important condition.This budget should be estimated as a result of expert cooperatio­n between a business and an informatio­n security vendor. If a company’s IT infrastruc­ture is a vital mechanism that ensures the business functions, then the cybersecur­ity industry is a vaccine to give this mechanism immunity from problems threatenin­g it without causing any side-effects.

Alexander Moiseev is the Chief Business Officer of Kaspersky


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