Eswatini Sunday

Deconstruc­ting the spectacle and stagecraft of a Donald Trump rally


By the time Donald Trump took to the stage for his rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin, some of his most ardent supporters had spent the night in their cars amid frigid temperatur­es to see the man they hope to once again elect as president.

As Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the U.S. A.” pumped from the speakers inside the convention center, the Republican former president-turned-candidate waved, swayed, clapped and blew kisses.

“Trump, Trump, Trump,” some in the crowd of 3,200 people chanted. A young couple held their baby aloft. A few people got teary.

Trump’s rallies are a defining feature of his presidenti­al campaigns: all-day spectacles blending evangelica­l revivalist meeting and carnival, designed to deliver an emotional experience to his base and bring new backers into the fold, a campaign aide said.

In Trump’s third presidenti­al campaign, a general election rematch against Democratic President Joe Biden on Nov. 5, the meticulous­ly planned marathons have re-emerged as a central part of Trump’s bid to re-enter the White House.

The former reality TV star is involved in the “look, feel and tone” of the rallies including the music, selected from the personal playlist that Trump listens to during down time at his Mar-a-lago Florida estate, said Justin Caporale, deputy campaign manager for operations.

“We are essentiall­y producing rock concerts inside of a week, and we’re doing it multiple times a month,” Caporale said.

Trump has held 21 campaign rallies so far in 2024, including 11 in Iowa and New Hampshire during the Republican nominating race, according to Election Central, a non-partisan group that tracks public appearance­s by presidenti­al candidates.

That compares to 13 by mid-april in 2020, when he was president, according to a Reuters analysis.

Biden’s re-election campaign has largely bypassed big rallies for smaller meetings with voters at venues such as churches and union halls.

Trump’s rally schedule this cycle has had to compete with his court appearance­s on criminal and civil charges. He spent this past week in a New York courtroom for the start of his hush money criminal trial, before heading to swing state North Carolina for a rally on Saturday.

Reuters attended Trump’s Green Bay rally on April 2 and interviewe­d four dozen attendees who collective­ly liked going to the rallies, they said, because it felt like a community and they didn’t have to worry about being politicall­y correct. They said they came because they love Trump and his rallies are fun.

The news agency also spoke to two campaign officials, including Caporale, who described the strategy and stagecraft that go into creating an experience designed to excite the base and imbue a sense of belonging that bonds supporters to Trump and his populist message, with the aim of propelling him to a second term.

“These are people that are activists in our movement. They want the same thing we want – to get President Trump elected for the next four years,” said Brian Hughes, a senior campaign adviser.

Sharon Anderson, 68, drove five hours from her home in Tennessee to Indiana to meet up with fellow Trump supporter Mike Boatman before the two drove another eight hours to Wisconsin.

They slept in their rental car outside the convention center to ensure they would be at the front of the line.

Anderson and Boatman are part of a group that calls itself the “Front Row Joes,” about 50 Trump supporters by their count, who they said take turns to be first in line for every Trump rally.

This was Boatman’s 85th rally and Anderson’s 51st. In North Carolina in March 2020, Trump’s son Eric pulled Anderson on stage so she could tell the crowd of 20,000 why she loved the then-president.

“This is like family,” Anderson, a retired high school attendance clerk, said before the Green Bay rally. “You make new friends from all over the country. At every Trump rally you leave with hope for our future.”

As supporters waited for the doors to open, Duane Schwingel, 65, a Trump superfan wearing Uncle Sam regalia and carrying a microphone and boom box, sang songs extolling Trump and decrying socialists.

Wisconsin resident Vicki Lou Hanegraaf, 62, who was attending her first rally, said she expected the emotions she felt watching Trump walk across the White House lawn as president to swell up again. “Trump is a truth slayer,” she said. “He’s anointed with absolute truth, like gravity.”

The Trump campaign uses the rallies to collect and analyze attendee data, in the hope of turning it into votes. People register with the campaign, providing email, cell phone number, zip code and state, in return for a text message which serves as a ticket.

After the rally, attendees are flooded with text messages, including fundraisin­g appeals from Trump.

The rallies are also aimed at attracting free local and national media coverage, recruiting volunteers and getting local politician­s and leaders to amplify Trump’s message, Hughes said.

As the campaign heats up, an increasing number of Trump’s rallies will be held in election battlegrou­nd states like Wisconsin, Hughes said. Trump narrowly won Wisconsin in 2016, then narrowly lost it to Biden in 2020.

The Green Bay event had been weeks in the making.

Trump’s advance team coordinate­d with the Secret Service and local law enforcemen­t agencies to secure the convention center.

 ?? ?? ▴Several of the rally attendees Reuters interviewe­d said they went for the sense of community.
▴Several of the rally attendees Reuters interviewe­d said they went for the sense of community.

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