Times of Eswatini

Love is a need


Aabout moving on and letting go often gets metaphoric­al, even existentia­l. Today we’ll focus on those first steps. You are changing, the universe around you is changing. Just because something was right for you in the past doesn’t mean it still is. This could be a relationsh­ip, a job, a home or a habit.

It happens to you slowly as you grow. You discover more about who you are and what you want out of life, and then you realize there are deliberate changes you need to make to keep up with the changes happening around you and within you.

The lifestyle you’ve been living no longer fits. The specific people and routines you’ve known forever no longer align with your values. The relationsh­ip you’ve been holding onto is not improving but draining you

Let’s face it. Many of us choose to hang on to things that at some point have hurt us, angered us, made us feel sad, or depressed us. If we choose to hang on to them, we will never move forward and we could even create physical or medical damage to our bodies. To prevent this from happening we need to let go but no one really tells you how to let go and move forward. Sure it’s easy to say: “Just let go, move forward, forget about it, just let go.” But that really doesn’t work.

Why do you need to let go and move forward.


is often said that all we need is love to be happy, and maybe that is true- to some extent of course. See love is more than just a warm, tingly feeling one has towards another person. Love is a universal need which is essential to our well being, and it comes in all shapes and sizes – parental love, romantic love, sibling love, etc. Worth mentioning is that love is an emotional need and not a materialis­t one. We don’t desire love just because of its mere existence; love is not a luxury.

This is to say that in the same way that humans need food, shelter and clothing for survival, we also need love. There’s a part of our human nature that earnestly yearns for affection from those that we relate to. It is also a two way phenomenon, it is just as important to give love as much as we would like to receive it; it’s a give and take.

The feeling is mutual when love is being given as much as it is received, of course keeping in mind that it only feels good when it’s in its purest and genuine form, fake vibes are rather draining and don’t last long, but that’s a whole different story for

Throughout our lives we go through different experience­s, some are positive and some we see as negative and unpleasant. When you hang on to a negative or unpleasant experience you are constantly thinking about it and when you constantly think about that negative event you prevent yourself from healing. Chances are you’re like most people and you have a number of unpleasant experience­s that you’re holding on to, which are preventing you from moving forward.

Other reasons you need to let go and move on may be: someone’s negativity is rubbing off on you, you have grown apart from someone, You are truly unhappy with your current circumstan­ces, your goals and needs have changed, fear is holding you back, you catch yourself living in the past, an old grudge another day. We love to be loved in return, the cycle is infinite, whatever the type of love.

However, it is saddening to see how the human race is failing to satisfy this human need, so much that we are learning to be selfish ( for the lack of a better word) with our love, through a new concept dimmed as idealself love.

Not that loving yourself is wrong but I think there’s a slight misunderst­anding about it which has a really big impact on us and society. Speaking of selflove, let’s explore it a little bit.

In terms of the concept self love and it’s raw meaning, I have nothing against it, if anything; I am 100 per cent for self love. Self is still hurting you and you aren’t learning anything new. If most of these things have been happening to you then you need to let go!

The more you carry the worse life gets. Why? Because you’ve filled your mind up with negative experience­s, because you continuall­y hang on to something that doesn’t allow you to move forward, in short, you’re carrying useless baggage that’s really slowing you down. Imagine being on a hiking trip and all you keep on doing is collecting useless things that will not help you. These things will eventually slow you down and you may not reach your destinatio­n.

To let go you have to get your mind to focus on different goals and different objectives. If you really want to start moving on, love is often discribed as regard for one’s own being and happiness. However, it is supposed to be a desirable trait and not a narcissist­ic one. It is important that we love ourselves before we can we love other people; charity begins at home remember. One cannot pour from an empty cup, so fill you up first and let the surplus overflow to others. The problem however with the modern day self love is that we are being taught to not need other people, there’s disregard for the next person; there’s a sense of arrogance and pride entangled in the concept of self love. We often fail to draw the lines between self love and being narcissist. Many times we may unconsciou­sly, or even consciousl­y then you have to get your mind to focus on new things, in the process you automatica­lly let go of the things that have been slowing you down.

How to Let Go and Move Forward

If you hold on to negative feelings, sad emotions or depressing memories there is a possibilit­y that you could reshape to the point where your thoughts of the past have a negative effect on you. Hanging on to negative past events is a process that can destroy your life in ways you’re not even aware of. Ask yourself these questions: Do the negative things you hang on to serve you any purpose? Do they help you move forward?

Do they work in your favour in any way? If you said no to any or all of the above then tell yourself this: This emotion/ feeling doesn’t help me so I’m letting it go and focusing on what is important. Then begin focusing on what you want next, focus on what is important and what can improve your life. This is a simple process that gets the mind moving in a new direction and you stop building negative energy created from the negative events/ emotions, which only attract more negative situations. When you begin focusing on more positive things you begin attracting positive situations.

The next step is to create an action plan, the past is over. Where do you want to go now and how do you plan to get there? You may not have the answers but merely thinking about the options forces your mind to go in a new direction and you automatica­lly let go of unwanted feelings and emotions.

exercise self love the wrong way. This happens when we develop an arrogent and egocentric attitude towards other people. There’s only so much a human being can do for themselves, but there will always be a void which can only be filled by a fellow human being.

There’s a reason we don’t exist in isolation; we were never meant to be self sufficient, otherwise then we would not be born into a circle of people we relate to. Our need for love is closely tied to our need to belong. We feel a sense of belonging towards those that love us. It’s absolutely right to love yourself but there’s everything wrong with it when self love becomes the leeway to exercise hate, pride and arrogance on other people. Let it linger in the mind, whether we are willing to admit it or not, even the most self loving person needs a little bit of love from someone that’s not themselves.

Arthur Aaron who is a psychologi­st at the State University of New York describes love as a drug. Love has the exact same effects strong medication would have on the human brain. Both drugs and love work on the same part of the brain, they both target dopamine in the brain which is usually referred to as the ‘ feel good’ chemical and is also highly influentia­l in the management of pain. If love makes people feel good, then it makes sense to say love deprived people are less happy in life. Many stud

The key to your success is to train your mind to move in a new direction so you send new messages to your subconscio­us mind, which then brings you the opportunit­ies to move forward.

The final step is to live in the present moment, to start living in the now. Living in the now is different than living for the moment.

Living in the now is the process of enjoying everything that is going on at this present moment. Take a look around you and appreciate those things that you once thought were not that important. When you are here now you can be nowhere else. You are not hanging on to something, you are here now.

You may think: “Where I am right now really sucks, I don’t want to think about it.” It only sucks because you’re looking at all the negative things going on. Focus on a few of the positive things anything from nature to the wonderful family you may have.

This forces your mind to look at things differentl­y and tells your subconscio­us mind that you’re ready for new possibilit­ies, then you’ll begin to let go and move forward.

Realizing you get to choose whether or not to dwell is empowering. Holding on is like believing that there’s only a past; letting go and moving on is knowing in your heart that there’s a bright future ahead.

In the end, it is always better to accept the truth and be thankful. To let go is to be thankful for the experience­s that made you laugh, made you cry, and helped you learn and grow. It’s the acceptance of everything you have, everything you once had, and the possibilit­ies that lie ahead.

It’s all about finding the strength to embrace life’s changes, to trust your intuition, to learn as you go, to realize that every experience has value, and to continue taking positive steps

ies have been done which show that people that are love and affection deprived are most likely to experience depression, stress and anxiety disorders. They are more vulnerable and subject to suffering more pain. This is why it can be said that love is a need, in a way, one would say love exists because our lives depend on it.

There’s no better way to stress how important love is and why we need it. In a nutshell we need love because it nourishes us. Love also plays an important role in shaping our being. Scientific studies have shown that people who receive love, easily give it. They are seen to be the better people in society. On the other hand those that are love deprived, find it difficult to love because we can almost say they don’t know what love is. Others may express their love in rather questionab­le ways. They may even pose as angry, violent and abusive individual­s.

If love really goes a long in making us feel good and be the people that we are, then wouldn’t society be a better place if we all just loved. If parents loved their children, siblings, friends and relatives also loved each other. Husbands and wives loving each other. I’m willing to bet that if we were really loving like we should, the world would be a better place.

Jesus’ greatest commands speak of love: in summary, love God and love neighbour. Spread love and heal the world.

 ??  ?? Hanging on to negative past events is a process that can destroy your life in ways you’re not even aware of
Hanging on to negative past events is a process that can destroy your life in ways you’re not even aware of
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