Times of Eswatini

Make, break your life



Life is a fragile gift from God but living is a choice. One will argue and say God is the decider of the beginning and the end of everything, including life, and I won’t disagree.

A person cannot choose when and how to be born, but once born they reach a stage in their lives where they can decide when they want to stop living.

Suicidal acts are works of evil not God. The evil can make you do ungodly and inhuman acts which gradually reduce your days in this universe.

As for suicidal acts, it is sad when looking at how cases have escalated in the kingdom.

Disappoint­ingly, the numbers are increasing more among young people compared to adults.

They have placed themselves in situations which they don’t know how to get out of.

Their lives have lost purpose and they now believe it is hard to live. Everything is as it is because they have lost their way.


They don’t respect elders because they think they are better than them. They don’t listen because they think they know everything.

They hang out with bad friends and do nasty and careless things because they think they are cool and fun.

They have exposed their entire lives on social media because they follow trends and believe they are boring if they are not part of it.

They don’t work hard and still expect to do well and excel in what they do.

Their lives have become stagnant because they are lazy and too dependent. It seems to slip their mind that every action has consequenc­es.

Getting the right consequenc­es requires the right actions. You have to listen to your elders, respect and honour your parents for you to earn their blessings.

You have to be discipline­d in everything you do. You have to accept love, respect your work and seek assistance to grow and develop.

You have to love God, praise and worship Him all the time, and spend time with Him for you to receive His grace, blessings and guidance.

Brand Shota

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