Times of Eswatini

Ngcoseni High pupil arrested in full view of schoolmate­s


MANZINI – The Ngcoseni High Form V pupil, who had been nabbed in connection with the bombing of the school, was arrested in full view of his schoolmate­s and teachers.

This was the submission of Lawyer Mathokoza Mbhamali during the appearance of the pupil together with Zwelakhe Dlamini (26) before Magistrate Sicelo Lokotfwako yesterday. The pair was charged with arson and were each granted E1 000 bail.

The pair has been linked to the burning of the school’s Science (Biology) laboratory, after the police made a breakthrou­gh regarding the bombing which took place at Ngcoseni Central High School last Tuesday.

The pupil, whose name will not be revealed for ethical reasons, was reportedly rounded up by about five plain clothes police officers on Monday morning and they took him to Mankayane Police Station. The police then arrested the other suspect.

Meanwhile, during the pair’s appearance, Lawyer Mbhamali submitted that the pupil was taken by the police while at school and in uniform. He said the learner was already losing out on his academic work. He pleaded that the pair be admitted to bail.

According to the charge sheet, the pair wrongfully, unlawfully and intentiona­lly set on fire a school Science laboratory and property valued at E7 200, which was damaged. The property was said to be in the lawful possession of Qonda Kenneth Mazibuko. The pair is expected to make another court appearance before Magistrate Sindisile Zwane on December 1, 2021.

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