Times of Eswatini

Prayer important for kids’ day

- - saraswatib­orsad.org

Christian Affirmatio­ns

God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power, love and self control.

I am loved by God.

God will never leave me or abandon me. I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me. God has great plans for my life.

I have been uniquely designed for a purpose.

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1. Prayer can set the tone of the day:


Ši• cƒ „‡ ƒ˜‘id‡d „› ‰i˜Ǧ ‘it‘f‰tfŠtƒŠ‡c‡dƒ›tl Šl ™‡t Šiit‡Šct‡Š”ƒ‡•ltŠl”‡‡l’‰‡t‘Š•f ’”ƒ”›ƒ‡›”‡•”.•

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PŠi• ’‘•iti˜it› tŠƒt ’u’il• c‘l ‡”˜‡ƒ‡ƒd”tƒ‡ltlŠd’u‡‘”•iiti‰i˜•‡tc‘dŠƒ‘Š›‘ƒ. l˜’i”ƒ‰›‡ƒ”• dƒ› ™itŠ ’”ƒ›‡” t™ƒ”iltliŠ‡‰l’tŠt‡Ši‡”

2. Prayer resolves daily f’ruu’silt•ra•‡ttiotŠn‡si:” id ƒd •‘ul tŒi‘Š›‡tǦŠf‡itll‘”‡iǣ‰dŠdt ƒ’›l.ƒc‡”ƒf‘›”‡”ƒ•Š‘‡”l’‡


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3. Prayer helps

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better decisions:

Š‡› ƒ”‡ u•uƒll› uƒ„l‡ t‘ d‡ƒci•‡i‘cƒl•. ƒd ™‡llǦtŠ‘u‰Št ‰ui”dƒƒ›ic‰‡ ƒ„d‘uƒt•‡ƒic‰Šfd‘‡”ci•‘id‘ǯ• ™ill Š‡l’ tŠ‡ ’u’il• ƒ‡ „‡tǦ t‡”ccŠŠ‘‘‘icl‡••c. ƒ Š‡l’ tŠ‡ ’uǦ ’il• c‘uicƒt‡ ™itŠ ‘d tŠ”‘u‰Š dƒil› ’”ƒ›‡”•ǡ ƒd ŠtŠ‡‡l’i” t„Ši‡‰ƒidc•ludƒl‡l d‡‘cdi•ii‘ƒ•ll. i• Š‘‡d’™uŠ’‘il•™™il‘l lu‡lƒddfitŠd‡tŠiƒtti‘t ƒi‰ ™i•‡” cŠ‘ic‡•.

builds‘ads‡t˜ro‡ln‘g’eƒr 4. More frequent communicat­ion

•ct‘”‘‰u”‡ilcƒƒttii‘‘•Ši•i’ƒǡ f”‡u“•tu.‡t relationsh­ip:

•ƒtŠi‘‡• t‘™”‘‡ ’“‡u‘ƒ’lilt‡›Šcƒ‘˜‡ǡ˜t‡Š”‡Ǧ „‡.tt‡” tŠ‡i” ”‡lƒti‘•Ši’ ™ill cŠiŠld‡”•‡ƒƒ‡”‡i•tt‘”uŠ‡ƒ˜™‡iƒtŠd‡‘‡’d‡. ”fǡ ‘”‡ ‡ƒi‰ful ”‡lƒti‘•Ši’ ™itŠ ‘dǡ tŠ‡› ‡‡d t‘ tƒl t‘ ŠiŠ‡‘›ƒ‡d‡dƒitl‘› Š„ƒ˜•i‡•f. ”‡“u‡tǡ Š“iuƒ.lit› c‘˜‡”•ƒti‘• ™itŠ 5. Opening their heart

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to God daily, allows God

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to transform their heart:

‘›‘˜u‡”‰t Š‡‡•ƒ‡”t›•‘ǡ Šu‡‰™Šƒ‡ƒt•”t•‘ ƒ™id ‘‡˜‡tƒŠ›‡d‘ctlŠ‘ƒ•‡t”tŠt‘”‘Šui‰•Š. ƒǦ •™‡”i‰ tŠ‡ cŠildǯ• ‡ƒ”tŠl› tƒ‡‡id•‰ǡ ƒ‘™” ƒŠ›‡tŠ‡ƒc›Šdil‘dǯt•Šfƒ‘tc„u›• f”‘ tŠ‡ tŠi‰• tŠƒt ƒ”‡ ‰‘i‰ ™”‘Š‡‰itŠt‡Š’‡uŠ’i•il•lif•‡’.‡d ”‡‰Ǧ tuŠlƒ‡”›ǡ ƒf”ll‡‘“™u‡‘tdtti‘ d‡‘iŠi’•”™ƒ›‘‡””ǡ i tŠ”‡‘i”uŠ‰‡Šƒ’”t”.ƒ›‡”ǡ ‘d ™ill t”ƒ•f‘” tŠ‡i” lif‡ ƒd „”i‰ tŠ‡ t‘ ‡™ Œ‘› i Ši. Š‡ƒƒ”t”ƒi‘t›i‡•”ŠŠƒi‡•’ƒ’l™‡dŠ‡•ƒǡ”™‡dŠt””‡ƒ”‡‡•t™Šf‘‡”di”Ǧ.

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 ?? (CouilrltteŠs‡yi”pic)‘”i‰ ?? Starting their day with prayer will help the pupils set their mind and soul in the right pt‰Š‘la‡™ci”e”‘•fiodr‰‡Ǩaǡ m‘otŠriej‰oyc-ƒfill‡e˜d‡d”
(CouilrltteŠs‡yi”pic)‘”i‰ Starting their day with prayer will help the pupils set their mind and soul in the right pt‰Š‘la‡™ci”e”‘•fiodr‰‡Ǩaǡ m‘otŠriej‰oyc-ƒfill‡e˜d‡d” ay.
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