Times of Eswatini

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All forms of power are evident in our communitie­s. It seems to be in the nature of mankind that once he is possessed with power, they will do anything to keep it.

Many of our problems in Africa are caused by those who want to cling to power for an infinitum duration. These have drenched the earth with blood by use of the sword and are guilty of all forms of heinous crimes before man and God.

They even use their power to cunningly change constituti­ons of their commonweal­th so that their power longevity is somewhat legitimati­sed.

These are the ones who seem to think they are the only wise ones in their own nations thus they cling to political power. Among these are some of the most insecure of all people, hence they keep a wilderness of army personnel guarding them day and night.


Now let’s turn to monetary power. It is responsibl­e for a lot of deaths in this world. It is no chance that the man of Galilee warned that the love of money is the root of all evil.

Money being a principle more than a tangible thing, it must develop in and with the man just as faith develops in and with man for it to do wonders for him.

You might have witnessed in your neighbourh­ood the rich man who by death leaves a lot of money for his children, and it either crushes them so fast or it vanishes quickly because they never had the strength to bare it which their parent had developed over time.

The wielder of this power, lacking understand­ing of the great law of circulatio­n, acts like the miser and his chest, always hoarding money instead of using and keeping it in circulatio­n and making of himself a miserable hell. It must be said, many of our problems are due to our misapprehe­nsion of the nature of our own power.

M Nkambule

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