Times of Eswatini



S OJanuary is finally coming to a close and as usual, there are people that can’t wait because January seemed to have 54 days lol. Well the truth is January feels like that because you are unprepared. You sit with bated breath waiting for the end of January to get your next pay because it’s been so tough and you had to eat cabbage all month.

Why? Because of how you behaved in December. Don’t worry it also took me a long time to realise that December happens every year and I don’t have to act KeDeZemBer, instead, I decided to make different decisions and for once find myself not crying that January is dragging. The answer to this is simple, financial freedom. You are stressed because you are broke and let’s be real being broke is childish and we quite grown.

What is the meaning of financial freedom? Financial freedom usually means having enough savings, financial investment­s, and cash on hand to afford the kind of life we desire for ourselves and our families. It means growing savings that enable us to retire or pursue the career we want without being driven by earning a set salary each year. Achieving financial freedom is essential if you are to do what you like. It will allow you to not worry about your finances as you will have enough money to cover all your expenses. In your journey towards attaining financial freedom, you have to be financiall­y discipline­d.

As ironic as it may sound, financial freedom is about control i.e. control over your own


a pet, be it a cat or dog, is a serious responsibi­lity. Ownership is like marriage in the sense that you accept that there will be good times and there will also be bad times. Overall, pet ownership is a fulfilling and enjoyable experience since dogs and cats make fantastic companions on many levels.

As the owner of a pet (cat or dog), you must be committed to caring for it for its lifetime, which can be up to 20 years in some cases.


Caring for your dog) means:

Providing suitable fresh water daily

Looking after its health - including annual rabies and other vaccinatio­ns, regular deworming, as well as any necessary Vet and medical treatment Providing shelter from the sun, rain, wind and cold.

Providing a safe home environmen­t.


(cat food

or and finances. So, one of the better ways to define financial freedom is to have enough residual income that allows you to live the life you want, without any worries about how you will pay your bills or manage a sudden expense. In other words, financial freedom is not always about being rich and having a lot of money. Instead, it is more about having control over your financial present and your financial future.

Here are nine quick tips as to how you can become financiall­y free; understand presently . ... pen down your goals. track your spending. pay yourself first. spend less. pay off your debt. always keep your career moving forward. create additional sources income. invest

WWWwhere you are of

Enabling freedom to exercise, run around and play. Sterilizin­g to avoid endless unwanted pregnancie­s.

Love and companions­hip. Swaziland Animal Welfare Society (SAWS) received some interestin­g responses to its social media posts about January being #UnchainADo­g Month. Some pet owners seem unclear how best to look after their pets properly.

Bottom line, these nine steps listed in this blog have different degrees of complexity and you might see some tasks come very naturally to you while others might require a lot more work.

For instance, a number of people find tracking expenses, spending less, and investing a lot easier than, say, creating an additional source of income. The more steps you can achieve, the faster shall be your journey on the path to financial freedom. It is a decision that you will need to make on the basis of what works best for you. How much money do you need to be financiall­y free?

A common rule of thumb is to maintain an emergency fund equal to three to six months’ expenses. So, if you spend E3 000 per month, you’d want to have an emergency fund of E9 000 – E18 000. This should be enough to let you weather a significan­t financial catastroph­e, such as an injury or losing your job.

One owner said that he was keen to unchain his dog but asked if SAWS will reimburse him if his dog goes missing. One of the essential requiremen­ts before taking on ownership of a pet dog is to make sure that your yard/garden is securely fenced so that your dog cannot escape into the street where it may cause an accident leading to harm of

Now that’s financial freedom. This year we are all about goal setting and managing our finances so that we can have enough savings to take those holidays and buy those houses and cars, so this is the time to work, to put the effort in and change those mindsets.

If you don’t go for it, you will never get it. 2022 we have to be intentiona­l about what we want. If you want to be part of a goal setting group send us an email on and we will add you to a fabulous

group where we can set you up with accountabi­lity partners that will help you keep track of your goals. It’s simple financial freedom cause with hard work, even if you are smart you have to put the work in to get there.

Did you know “hard work” isn’t physical–it’s emotional. How your emotions respond to what you want is what will determine how hard you go for it.

“When you understand that

darty88@gmail.com WhatsApp

other people or animals or get hurt itself. If your yard/garden is securely fenced, your dog should not go missing and therefore there is no need to chain your dog; and

Another owner responded by saying that her cat had had kittens but since she did not want them, she would “donate” the kittens to SAWS.

A responsibl­e pet owner will sterilize their pet (cat or dog) to prevent unwanted pregnancie­s.

Both owners seem unclear about SAWS’ role and purpose. SAWS’ mission is to raise awareness about animal welfare and in particular to prevent animal cruelty.

It operates 2 animal shelters, one in Mbabane and the other in Manzini, where it looks after strays and abandoned animals and makes them available for adoption to new homes.

SAWS is a self-funded, non-profit organizati­on which relies entirely on donations in cash or kind to pay the bills incurred to operate the shelters and vehicles, employ staff, feed and provide medical care to the cats, dogs and other animals and much more.

Pet owners can also assist and support SAWS by being responsibl­e and becoming part of the solution instead of the problem by: Sterilizin­g their pets (cats and dogs) so that they do not have your self-worth is not determined by your net-worth, then you’ll have financial freedom.”

–Suze Orman.

When you understand the above statement that is when you understand financial freedom and that is when you realize anyone can have it. You don’t have to be rich, you have to be consistent with your financial habits. We don’t really need to eat out everyday or attend to every party we are invited to. We don’t have to drink every weekend when we know we have to save. Let’s enjoy some motivation as we all gear up to make 2022 spectacula­r financiall­y. Let me wish you all a happy new year and really all the best, I wish nothing but the best for you. Catch me next week, it will be ALL about LOVE. “Real wealth is not about money. Real wealth is: Not having to go to meetings, not having to spend time with jerks, not being locked into status games, not feeling like you have to say ‘yes,’ not worrying about others claiming your time and energy. Real wealth is about freedom.”

James Clear

“Money is a terrible master but an excellent servant.”


“Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.”

Thoreau. –Henry David

“More important than the how we achieve financial freedom, is the why. Find your reasons why you want to be free and wealthy.”


“The goal isn’t more money. The goal is living life on your terms.”

–Chris Brogan

“Your economic security does not lie in your job; it lies in your own power to produce-to think, to learn, to create, to adapt. That’s true financial independen­ce. It’s not having wealth; it’s having the power to produce wealth.”

Stephen Covey – –PT Kiyosaki –

unwanted pregnancie­s. Unwanted kittens or puppies are not a donation but rather the very thing that SAWS is trying to discourage.

Fencing around their yard/ garden to keep their dogs safe and protected and allow them to exercise freely.

Remember that January is #UnchainADo­g Month – please do the right thing and unchain your dog. If you know of a dog that is kept on a chain, please do not look away but rather explain the harmful effects of chaining a dog and encourage the owner to unchain it.


Budlelwane Mountain View – 2404 3446

MITC St Michaels Road – 2505 6231


Manzini: Donations:


663164 9110000789­871 Swaziland Animal Welfare Society

Your full name and email address

Mbabane branch: Account: Account Name: Reference: www.saws.org.sz Facebook:

swaziland welfare society swaziland



Bank of

animal animal


Adopt - Donate – Sterilize – Groom - Board

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