Times of Eswatini

Leaders must relate with people around them



Leadership is about influence, but it is also about creating and em bracing winning habits. However, it is also critical for leaders to learn personal management. Each one of us has something to accomplish through our gifts and talents, but we need to practice personal man agement in order to transform the potential within us into an enduring positive reality.

The journey of fulfilling purpose and destiny demands vitality, a clear head and a warm heart. As a matter of fact, personal management can help us develop the attitudes and exercise the behaviours that will enable us to finish well in life.

We must divorce this African men tality of not respecting time, and organise our lives in such a way that we do not waste time on unimportan­t things or things which could be done later. We must actually exercise the power of the will to say no to distrac tions and unnecessar­y interrupti­ons. ,f we fail to manage our time, it will inevitably compromise the Tuality of our leadership.

2ne of the areas that leaders must learn to manage is the area of infor mation. A leader must be discipline­d enough to create time for reading. 5eading stimulates our intellect we must always endeavour to grow intellectu­ally as leaders.


Leaders must be well informed in the sphere of their operation or influence. Lack of knowledge is a recipe for shipwreck on the pathway to destiny. .nowledge enlightens a blind leader will lead people into a ditch. A narrow minded leader is usually a stumbling block to national progress. ,t is, therefore, imperative for leaders to read and study. Lead ership demands that we also learn how to relate with people around us. &ultivating the art of how to talk to others is key to positively influence

people. We must properly manage our conversati­ons.

Also, since the friendship­s we em brace have the power to positively or negatively impact our future, we need to choose right friends as leaders. Farlex’s Dictionary defines the word choose as to pick out, select, choose from a number of alternativ­es, and or to take by way of preference from two or more ob jects offered. Experience­s of life and society will usually offer us a variety of friendship­s. We must be able to differenti­ate a friend and a flatter er. A friend is one who esteems, respects and intimately associates with you for the purposes of ulti mately enhancing your purpose and destiny. We must always know that our associatio­ns will always affect our discretion, our understand­ing and wisdom levels. ,n the context of becoming better leaders, we must be friendly to all people, yet carefully choose those we embrace as bosom friends for the sake of progress and prosperity of our nation.


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