Times of Eswatini

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/ife can Ee compared to a Mourney which one takes without really knowing what they are going to encounter along the way. (very road has its roadElocks, potholes, ups and downs and windings. 6o also is every place of work or every position in life. When we find ourselves in any posi tion of authority, we must Ee prepared to deal with temptation­s and challenges that come at every level of leadership. We may either Ee turned into an aEuser or Euilder of lives. 7he choice is ours.

$ctually, character is Euilt Ey the choices we make; every time we stand firm under pressure, or every time we resist tempta tions, we grow strong in character. ,t is often said that your gifts and talents will take you up, Eut it is only character that will keep you up there.

7alents will open great doors for you in life, Eut only character will keep those doors open. Character is always defined as µwho we are or do when we are faced with temptation­s or adversity¶. ,t is µwhat we do when noEody is looking¶.


6tanding up to pressure and taking a strong moral stand is also a sign of great character. (very time we resist temptation, or stand firm under pressure, our character grows. 7he ne[t time we are put under pres sure of temptation, it will Ee easier to do the right thing Eecause we have started making a haEit of character Eased decisions. Weak character is actually the result of haEitually making easy choices.

When you are graced with any position of influence, a must lifestyle of integrity and good character is a must. Our influence naturally flows from our character; some of the Tualities that constitute good character are personal accountaEi­lity, courage, per severance, honesty, integrity self control, humility and generosity.

$s parents, pastors or teachers we must always look at those we are responsiEl­e for as our own children; and protect them from their wrong actions. We must Ee cou rageous and do what is right. %y so doing we will Ee protecting the girls¶ future and our own. We must develop a culture of doing right and saying no to that which is inconsiste­nt with our ethics.


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