Times of Eswatini

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“If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I would spend six sharpening my axe,” ascertaine­d Abraham Lincoln in one of his minefield of quotes. That is so poignant in the truest sense of the word! Preparatio­n even though it is underrated elevates the basic sense of well-being. No feeling is heart-warming than excelling knowing that you have prepared.

Our ability to sit down, strategise and think intensivel­y on a particular issue, before we actually implement something, certainly determines the amount of produce at the end. Often you will hear people who are at the panicle of success confessing that they have worked hard to be where they are. Preparedne­ss, it is true, determines the end results!


Students, in their interviews during graduation ceremonies, don’t bit about the bush; the emphasis is on preparedne­ss. They study, minimise sleeping hours, abandon unnecessar­y destructio­ns and some even change their lifestyles just to prepare for exams. That’s a must-do!

What has affected most of us is imaginatio­n and assumption. Let me clear the air; we are not imagining that we are poor, that we are orphans, that we are at school studying and that we do not have money; it is reality. What do we need, therefore, to transform our lives from imaginatio­ns and assumption­s to reality? It is simply just preparedne­ss. You prepare not to die poor by preparing for your future.


Preparatio­n is difficult; we need to sweat, starve, fast and if need it be, put ourselves in isolation to get rid of adversity. That’s so difficult to do! When somebody tells me to study, I feel like somehow there should be a shorter route to excellence. When I encounter challenges, I feel like it’s a curse; and that’s the dispositio­n human beings have taken.

Let me familiaris­e this to everyone; prepare for what you want, work for what you want and be what you want; that’s it! If there is one shorter but difficult way to success, it is preparedne­ss. Preparedne­ss determines productive­ness!

Wakhe Simelane

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