Times of Eswatini

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Parenting is one of those complex responsibi­lities experience­d by married or single people. Children are a gift and heritage from God. The scriptures in Psalms 127:3, 4 declare; “Behold children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth.”

Children are entrusted to parents by God so that they can be trained, equipped, and as arrows shot into their God-designed destiny. We must take care of our children as parents.

Most children learn by example, therefore, it is very important for parents to be good examples to their children. One of the greatest needs of a child is love and physical care. Parenting means to bring up, to raise, feed, care for and rear. As parents we are partners and co-labourers with God to bring about purposeful living in our children.


Whatever the cause of single parenting, a single parent must understand that life must go on. Society must also learn to understand the complex situation of a single parent. Single parents must be embraced with understand­ing and loved by society, instead of looking at them with suspicion and accusing eyes.


As a single parent, be friendly to your children in order to create transparen­cy, which is an effective ingredient to positively influence them.

No matter what happens or how difficult it gets, do not give up on your children. By God’s grace, with determinat­ion and perseveran­ce, you will be able to raise your children in accordance to their God-given purpose and destiny if you stay focussed on what matters in life.

Your reward will be fulfilling when you finally watch your children grow into responsibl­e and productive citizens.


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