Times of Eswatini

Kenya moves closer to results of tight elections


KENYA - Kenya was moving closer yesterday to learning the outcome of its closely-fought presidenti­al election after days of anxious waiting.

Deputy President William Ruto was leading with slightly more than 51 per cent of the vote against 48 per cent for Raila Odinga, based on official results from more than 80 per cent of constituen­cies, according to a tally published by the Daily Nation newspaper.

Both men had on Sunday appealed for calm as the wait for the final results of the August 9 vote dragged on.

Polling day passed off largely peacefully, but memories of vote-rigging and deadly violence in 2007-08 and 2017 still haunt Kenyans.


The Independen­t Electoral and Boundaries Commission is under intense pressure to deliver a clean poll in a country regarded as a beacon of stability in a troubled region.

Results must be issued by today at the latest, according to Kenya’s constituti­on.

Ruto (55), is Deputy President but

is effectivel­y running as the challenger after outgoing President Uhuru Kenyatta threw his support behind his former foe Odinga, the 77-yearold veteran opposition leader making his fifth bid for the top job.

Kenyans voted in six elections, choosing a new president as well as senators, governors, lawmakers, women representa­tives and some 1 500 county officials.


Turnout was lower than expected at around 65 per cent of Kenya’s 22 million registered voters, with observers blaming disenchant­ment with the political elite in a country battling a severe cost of living crisis.

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