Times of Eswatini

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MBABANE – 0anToba .hXPalo the 0in iVter of &oPPerce ,ndXVtry and 7rade VayV the $f&)7$ national VtrateJy Zill identify ParNet oSSortXnit­ieV for ePa6 Zati in the $frican ParNet.

+e Vaid the national VtrateJy beinJ deYeloSed ZoXld alVo aV ViVt in the identifica­tion of Srior itiVation of VectorV and SrodXctV for YalXe addition trade and re Jional Yale chain deYeloSPen­t.

$f&)7$ PeanV the $frican &ontinental )ree 7rade $rea.

.hXPalo Pentioned in the reSort of the 0iniVtry of &oP Perce ,ndXVtry and 7rade

Vt TXarter SerforPanc­e that the national VtrateJy ZoXld helS the coXntry to iPSlePent itV action.


.hXPalo ZaV reactinJ to 3rince 0VhenJX¶V TXeVtion on Zhat SroJreVV the 0iniVtry of &oPPerce ,ndXVtry and 7rade had Pade in forPXlatin­J the na tional $f&)7$ 6trateJy.

+e alVo Zanted to NnoZ coXntry ZaV benefittin­J the $f&)7$.

,n reVSonVe .hXPalo Vaid al thoXJh the Vtart of the tradinJ Xnder $f&)7$ aJreePent ZaV laXnched on -anXary no trade aV yet haV taNen Slace Xn der thiV reJiPe. +e Vaid thiV ZaV dXe ro the fact that Ney neJotia tion iVVXeV neceVVary for iPSle if the froP

Pentation of the $f&)7$ aJree Pent VXch aV tariffV and rXleV of oriJin for different SrodXctV Zere not yet finaliVed.

7he $f&)7$ iV the Zorld¶V larJeVt free trade area brinJinJ toJether the coXntrieV of the $frican 8nion $8 and eiJht

5eJional (conoPic &oPPX nitieV 5(&V .

7he oYerall Pandate of the $f &)7$ iV to create a VinJle conti nental ParNet Zith a SoSXlation of aboXt . billion SeoSle and a coPbined *'3 of aSSro[i Pately ( . trillion 86 . trillion .


7he $f&)7$ iV one of the flaJ VhiS SroMectV of $Jenda thePed µ7he $frica :e :ant¶ the $8¶V lonJ terP deYeloS Pent VtrateJy for tranVforPi­nJ the continent into a Jlobal SoZ erhoXVe.

$V Sart of itV Pandate the $f &)7$ iV to eliPinate trade barri erV and booVt intra $frica trade.

,n SarticXlar it iV to adYance trade in YalXe added SrodXction acroVV all VerYice VectorV of the $frican econoPy.

,t Zill contribXte to eVtab liVhinJ reJional YalXe chainV in $frica enablinJ inYeVtPent and Mob creation. 7he Sractical iPSlePenta­tion of the $f&)7$ haV the Sotential to foVter in dXVtrialiV­ation Mob creation and inYeVtPent thXV enhancinJ the

McoPSetiti­YeneVV of $frica in the PediXP to lonJ terP.

,t entered into force on 0ay

after PePber 6tateV deSoVited their inVtrXPent­V of ratificati­on folloZinJ a VerieV of continXoXV continenta­l enJaJe PentV VSanninJ Vince . ,t ZaV laXnched at the ([

th traordinar­y 6eVVion of the $8 $VVePbly of +eadV of 6tate and JoYernPent in 1iaPey ± 1iJer in -Xly .

7he coPPencePe­nt of tradinJ Xnder the $f&)7$ ZaV in -an Xary . ,tV Vecretaria­t iV hoVted in $ccra *hana.

:aPNele 0ene iV the firVt elected 6ecretary *eneral coor dinatinJ the iPSlePenta­tion of the aJreePent.

7he PiniVter Vaid it coYered both trade in JoodV and trade in VerYiceV. +e alVo Pentioned that it ZoXld aVViVt to identify the VectorV and SrodXctV of e[Sort intereVt to the coXntry in terPV of both coPSaratiY­e and coP SetitiYe adYantaJe.

+e Vaid it ZoXld alVo JiYe an analyViV of the SrodXctV that coXld be SrodXced locally taN inJ adYantaJe of the neJotiated rXleV for both the aJricXltXr­al and non aJricXltXr­al SrodXctV VXch aV te[tileV and aSSarel SharPaceXt­icalV leather cotton fertiliVer­V eVVential oilV etc. 7hiV ZoXld alVo inclXde indXV

BABANE – ,n another deYeloSPen­t .hXPalo Vaid indXVtrial­iVation ZaV recoJniVed aV the enJine for the econoPy. $V a reVXlt the PiniVter Vtated that there


trial ery.

+e Vaid the national VtrateJy ZoXld aVViVt in the identifica­tion of ParNet oSSortXnit­ieV and Sri oritiVatio­n of VectorV and Srod XctV for YalXe addition trade and reJional Yale chain deYel oSPent.

+e Vaid the national VtrateJy ZoXld aVViVt to identify chal lenJeV and Sotential iPSedi PentV inclXdinJ thoVe linNed to non tariff barrierV inYeVtPent coPSetitio­n intellectX­al SroS erty riJhtV inVtitXtio­nal and Solicy ZeaNneVVeV reJXlatory and VNillV JaSV alVo VXJJeVtinJ the neceVVary VtrateJic actionV reTXired. $ccordinJ to the Pin iVter the VtrateJy Zill alVo VtiS Xlate the financial PechaniVP.

7heVe ZoXld inclXde the SoVVi ble VoXrceV of fXndinJ Zhile in dicatinJ the Ney inVtitXtio­nV and VtaNeholde­rV that ZoXld driYe the iPSlePenta­tion SroceVV VXch aV VettinJ XS of the national $f&)7$ &oPPittee.

+e Vaid it ZoXld fXrther detail the coPPXnicat­ion and YiVibil ity Slan inclXdinJ eVtabliVh Pent of an aZareneVV raiVinJ PechaniVP to SroPote Jreater XnderVtand­inJ of the aJreePent for the YarioXV VtaNeholde­rV. 7he VtaNeholde­rV inclXde the bXVineVV coPPXnity yoXth ZoPen and ciYil Vociety.

ZaV continXoXV reYieZ of the indXVtrial Solicy. +e enYiVaJed that the Solicy Vhall be coPSleted by the end of the financial year. +e ZaV conYinced that the Solicy Vhall iPSact intellectX­al SroSerty




060(V and the cooSeratiY­e Vec tion. +e Vaid the initiatiYe ZoXld identify the VNillV PiVVinJ oXt froP the indXVtrieV for the eco noPic SerforPanc­e and to attain an XSVZinJ in the econoPy.



B A B A N E +e enYiVaJed that the Solicy Vhall be coPSleted by the end of the financial year. +e ZaV conYinced that the Solicy Vhall iPSact intellectX­al SroSerty 060(V and the cooS eratiYe Vection. ,n fXr therance to thiV Joal the PiniVter ZaV conYinced that the initiatiYe ZoXld identify the VNillV PiVV inJ oXt froP the indXV trieV for the econoPic SerforPanc­e and to at tain an XSVZinJ in the econoPy.

.hXPalo e[Slained that the 0iniVtry of &oPPerce ,ndXVtry and 7rade throXJh the (VZatini ,nYeVtPent 3roPotion $Xthority continXed to receiYe inYeVtPent intereVt albeit the obVerYed Xn faYoXrable econoPic conditionV.

7he PiniVter an noXnced that a total of eiJht SroMectV Zere on the SiSeline. ³7he Pin iVtry iV Vhort of fXndV that ZoXld facilitate the eVtabliVhP­entV of theVe entitieV in the econ oPy ´ he Vaid.

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