Times of Eswatini

Deception in the end times



5eading from 0DWWKHZ , the %i ble makes it clear that satan is going to focus, in a very special way, on deception in these last days.

In 9HUVH , His disciples Tuestioned Him, “When shall these things be?´ In response Christ opened His discourse on the destructio­n of Jerusalem and the end of the world with a strong warning against deception. His first remark was; “Take heed that no man deceives you´ YHUVH .

It is very significan­t that Christ con nected His warning against deception, not with the secular environmen­t, but with the spiritual realm. In other words, He didn¶t caution His follow ers against the massive deceptive practices found in commerce and our day to day business dealings. He was concerned with spiritual deceptions that would lead multitudes into error and eventual separation eternally from God.

In YHUVH He emphasises, “)or many shall come in my name, saying I am Christ; and shall deceive many.´ Christ does not conclude His decep tion theme at this point. In YHUVH

He repeats; “And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.´ Again in YHUVHV He adds more detail to His warning. He e[pands His warning about false christs and false prophets by adding that these ‘shall shew great signs and wonders; in so much that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect¶.

'ear reader, what stronger language could our Saviour have used? If those whom the /ord knows will be saved are almost deceived, what will happen to professed Christians who have little real relationsh­ip with Christ, to say nothing of the masses, who make no profession at all? To put it plainly, deception will be rampant, according to our /ord, and almost overpoweri­ng even for those whose faith is fastened in Jesus Christ.


'eception is one of the greatest weapons of the enemy in these last days. 5emember that the devil that is employing this strategy has been around for a while. He has some sense and strategies that must not be under mined. We will have to up our own game by walking more closely with God in order to escape his antics. His deception in the last days is going to be subtle and very difficult to detect.

The enemy is trying to deceive those who believe and are trying to walk in the ways of God by perverting and counterfei­ting the truth. He is coming up with a near perfect copycat of what is God¶s. It will look like God, taste like God, smell like God, but it will not be God. 9HUVH RI 0DWWKHZ specifical­ly points out that “…many false prophets will rise up and deceive and lead many into error.´ It does not say demons, but prophets. It¶s going to be a perfect similitude of that which is God¶s. They will be normal human beings, some of whom we know very closely, and they will also parade themselves with titles such as pastors, apostles, evangelist­s and teachers of God¶s Word. They will possess all the e[ternal traits of the original, but with the overarchin­g intention of leading many into error.

These people will not only appear like they are from God, but they will also perform miracles, signs and wonders that will make even the elect want to believe and follow them. I mean others will even call out your phone numbers and tell you things no one knows about you.

Christ says, in 0DWWKHZ ; “1ot everyone who says to me, ‘/ord, /ord,¶ shall enter the kingdom of heav en, but he who does the will of my )ather in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, ‘/ord, /ord, have we not prophesied in your name, cast out demons in your name, and done many wonders in your name?¶ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you who practice lawlessnes­s ¶We have been forewarned and we all know that to be forewarned is to be forearmed. God bless you.

Bopoto Gwinyai

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