Times of Eswatini

Thinking within thinking



It would appear that a majority of us do not really think but think within thinking. We are some kind of ‘a flot sam in the current of life¶. (nglish phi losopher a thinker %ertrand 5ussell, lamenting our failure to think, stated “Many people would soon die than think ± in fact, they do so.´ World re nowned psychiatri­st and psychoanal­yst Carl G Jung said; “Thinking is difficult, that¶s why most people judge.´

The discipline­s and profession­s demonstrat­e this The accountant is conditione­d by the debit and credit rule, that¶s how the whole matter is summed up. He can¶t break free from that prece dent. It¶s a copy and paste scenario. The original thinker in that field thought into that formula of debit the receiver and credit the giver, basically.

The traffic cop is no different; he stands along the road and gives various gestures directing traffic. As helpful as that is, he does no thinking at all. He thinks as he is thought for. As a matter of fact he is doing what has always been done. The original thinker is way back somewhere in antiTuity and those who would follow would do the copy and paste business.

An attorney is in the same boat, bound by precedent. He thinks as he is thought for. When he appears before a judge he fle[es his metaphysic­al muscles and shows that he read copied previous judgments and authoritat­ive writings, and intertwine­s paste them with the facts he is confronted with as he argues before the judge. 9ery few develop and break themselves and the rest of the race free from old and warn out dogmas and shibboleth­s. Interestin­gly, a court hardly permits anyone to come with some new thinking to move the court from old thinking may be for good reasons . The language of the judge would be ‘Show me the law¶ copy and paste , ie, ‘give me a precedenti­al way of thinking¶.

/ook at each profession or engage ment and see for yourself that we, the great majority, think as we are thought for. See the businessma­n who is really a middleman; for he buys the product from the maker real thinker and marks it up and lives on the difference.

(ven the preachers do no more than think within thinking.


The schools never teach us how to think, but only to copy and paste. The often venerated and celebrated as intelligen­t are merely those who remember more what they have read copied from the te[tbook and answer paste well the e[am Tuestion. When they get a job, you find that they have been brain wired to think as they are thought for as they solve the problems at the workplace. The real and original thinkers¶ thinking is found in the te[t books, particular­ly if they themselves did not copy and paste from previous authoritie­s ± reinventin­g the wheel.

)rom all this we say we are a prod uct of our fathers the thinkers . The thinkers have patterned and mid wife the discipline­s and profession­s of this world, and we are conditione­d to think within thinking of the original think ers. Sometimes, until nature pricks and forces us to think by putting us in peril, we are content with the copy and paste business.

M Nkambule

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