Times of Eswatini

Tackling inequality starts with investing in children



Investment in young children may be the single greatest opportunit­y to escape the ineTuality trap. We know that children are imbued with poten tial, but for most children this potential is constraine­d by a constellat­ion of social, psychologi­cal, economic and political factors. They are stuck in a cycle of poverty that limits social mobility.

The conseTuenc­e of inhibiting chil dren¶s potential is manifestin­g strong ly. (swatini is among the most une Tual countries in the world. Inherited circumstan­ces, such as gender or place of birth account for almost half of the overall ineTuality in this country.

High income ineTuality leads to low er social mobility across generation­s. Contributi­ng factors are the country¶s stubbornly high unemployme­nt rate ± particular­ly among the youth, and the social and economic disconnect edness of the poorest among us.

We know that the ineTuality of op portunity means that every child does not start life with the same chances. %ut imagine if every child could reach their full potential; this would spill over into economic and social benefits for the entire country.

5esearch shows that the highest rate of economic returns comes from the earliest investment­s in children. The first five years of a child¶s life lay the groundwork for their lifelong developmen­t ± a crucial period where access to early learning, good nutri tion, care and safety can set a child on a pathway of compoundin­g pos itive effects as they enter school and beyond. However, we are sTuander ing this powerful opportunit­y. (arly learning holds immense opportunit­ies for children ± a lifeline to escape the ineTuality trap.

Kayin Scholtz

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