Times of Eswatini

Ǯ —pport programmes tŠat promote —nity in tŠe cŠ—rcŠǯ

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MBABANE – “The country has enough for all people to be able to survive and live but the resources are not distribute­d equitably.”

This was said by &ouncil of Swa]iland &hurches &hairperson Archdeacon %hekindlela 0agongo during the 8nited 1ations 81 leaders retreat civic groups engagement session.

In his submission­s, 0agongo said the church was calling for support of programmes that promoted unity.

³The church must also speak with one voice as it did during HI9 AI'S and &29I'- response,” said the &ouncil of Swa]iland &hurches chairperso­n.

&oordinatin­g Assembly for 1on-*overnmenta­l 2rganisati­ons &A1*2 'irector Emmanuel 1dlangaman­dla, in his remarks, highlighte­d that the 81 leaders should always remember and emulate the commitment­s made by world leaders in the 81 &harter, Agenda others and further call upon them to account.

Also present during the session was Swatini Action *roup Against Abuse S:A*AA 'irector 1onhlanhla 'lamini, who said high levels of teenage pregnancie­s were a national issue as girls did not go back to school after the &29I'- lockdowns.

It was also stated that teen mothers were facing challenges yet they had no voice, with some being chased away from their homes and risking infections of sexually transmitte­d infections STIs and HI9.

³Teen mothers face the challenges of being ostraci]ed in society and this results in prostituti­on and increases the risk of infection in HI9 and vulnerabil­ity to gender-based violence *%9 ,” stated some of the representa­tives of the civic groups present at the retreat.

)ormer )ederation 2rganisati­on of 'isabled 3eople in Swa]iland )2'S:A 3resident Sipho 'lamini said persons with disabiliti­es were not charity cases, but should be recognised as individual­s with human rights. He was speaking during his submission before the 81 leaders at the retreat hosted at the 3igg¶s 3eak Hotel.

³Involve disabled persons in the planning of programmes targeted at them.” He was supported by one -oyce 1unn, who said the 81 should be the first to employ persons with disability. Highlighti­ng that some of them had certificat­es but they were being ignored.

³:e need to be supported,” said 1unn.

 ?? (Courtesy pics) ?? Council of Swaziland Churches Chairperso­n Archdeacon Bhekindlel­a Magongo.
(Courtesy pics) Council of Swaziland Churches Chairperso­n Archdeacon Bhekindlel­a Magongo.

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