Times of Eswatini

Untiring soul of old


Asoul that is indefatiga­ble and unrentless is one that no matter how old it is still receives constant assurance that no matter how badly things are perceived.

It may be that redemption or something great will come out of that situation. An untiring soul receives faith, it’s like an engine that pushes for life even when there is not even a glimmer of hope. Reassuranc­e is like reaching out for a branch of a tree which could be the only thing your eyes can see while drowning in a river.

I say this because some of us have searched our weary drained soul for what seems like an endless sinking. We are not the only ones searching for a resolve, and solutions, or some sort of redemption.

There are those we speak for also. Those who seem voiceless and stammer at any vowel to pronounce one word or just to utter one single emotion felt in their innermost being.

We can’t pretend or be silent when such an overwhelmi­ng sense of despair is crippling in the nation and our families.

Everyone can feel it, sometimes we may not need to even talk to despair, because when it is approachin­g, everyone can feel the heavy footsteps and the silencing agony that creeps in with its presence. It’s true that we are seemingly not the only ones searching. Most leaders are secretly raining their pillows at this encroachin­g thing, wondering where simple solutions can be attained from.

Solutions to a silent wave of despondenc­y that really needs a voice of assurance.

Paul in the book Acts 27, was travelling to Rome as a prisoner. The fourteen day’s journey was challenged by very strong and life threatenin­g winds from the sea.

Everyone on board was distressed to a point that some couldn’t eat, fearing for their lives.

On their fourteenth night they thought they were approachin­g land, they lowered anchors to the sea. Hanging for dear life some tried to escape through life boats and Paul cautioned them to stay on board for safety and he reassured them that everyone would be saved if they stayed on board.

These men who were facing what seemed to be an endless despair, were reassured and told to eat.

Sometimes our souls just cry out for reassuranc­e that whatever it is, will not erode every piece of your soul. Sometimes what reassuranc­e does is lift the soul back to hope again. Hope that resurrects the person’s life. Often than not we never think of solutions in a of place despair.

Sometimes people just want to know if they are still loved and cared for. Sometimes they just want reassuranc­e that there is someone who has their back in times of need. Sometimes they just need reassuranc­e that you will never leave them, because we can only start to think about solutions once we have been reassured that our lives would be saved.

The ship, though was wrecked the following morning, however everyone was saved.

Everyone needs a piece of encouragem­ent.

It never hurts to reach out in encouragem­ent to others, because it seems there is such a wave of desolation flooding our souls and we need resurrecti­on from it, and we need it yesterday before others think there is no more living waters from the well of the living God, who can also save them for such a trenching wave of despair.

I’m speaking to every tired soul, a soul walking around empty yet pretending to be full.

Those that think tomorrow might be even be far off.

Those who are tired of hurting, that situation that seems to never change but becomes worse.

Is there redemption from such things?

I know how it seems to have lasted for far too long.

That emptiness, that longing for something better and that void that can never be filled with something natural.

Reassuranc­e that things will become better, is like drinking water in a desert.

My pastor recently shared about three ships that were in close proximity with the Titanic after it had hit an iceberg.

The Titanic crew were sending signals of distress alerting every ship that were in close proximity with it, signalling for help.

Only one ship responded and it was further that the two.

The captain of that ship took a moment and asked the Lord, how they could help and to be reassured that they could reach the Titanic on time.

That ship came and saved 70 per cent of the people that were on board.

My take on this was, at any sign of distress, we need to reach out to God for faith, for reassuranc­e that not only is he still with us, but that the situation will not overwhelm us.

There were times when I had to learn to ask the Lord to remove discomfort from my soul.

It sound like a weird prayer but when we are closer to the Lord we can ask him for painkiller­s.

I hope we are reassured or find comfort in knowing that even if the ship is wrecked, we will be safe, because even if we find ourselves in situation that are truly difficult to manoeuvre. We must find comfort in knowing that the Lord will be there with us.

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