Times of Eswatini

Are you a stuck open or stuck shut window?


A window stuck open is just as bad as a window stuck shut. Either way, you’ve lost its use. Ditto for a mind.”

What does that mean?

A window that is stuck open isn’t so much a window as it is a hole in the wall. Since the purpose of a window is usually to allow vision to the outside and light to the inside, that still works. However, what separates a hole in the wall from a window is the ability to open and close, allowing in a breeze on a nice day and keeping out the weather on a less nice day. A hole can’t keep out nasty weather. A window which is stuck shut only allows light to pass through. Never will a pleasant breeze pass through it. In that, we are missing one of the more useful features of a window.

Similarly, a mind implies the statement, should be able to move around and not be fixed on one position or the other. I take that to mean a mind shouldn’t be made up in advance, and should be able to willingly open it to a pleasant breeze, and shut out the nasty weather, as appropriat­e.

Why is a properly mind important?

NASA’S functionin­g

How do we define a properly functionin­g mind? We can start with eliminatin­g the obvious, like those minds suffering from various physical or chemical problems.

But where do we go from there? I would include such traits as the willingnes­s to consider other ideas and to examine other viewpoints. I would separate those who have beliefs from those who do not, as that has, over centuries, caused pain and anguish for far too many people. The question is; are you open to new ideas? Do you try new methods, or even invent them? Do you try crazy things because you’ve already tried all the usual ways and not had the results you desired? To me, these are all traits of a mind that is properly functionin­g.

If you’ve never tried something new, always done the exact same thing, every time, without fail and (most importantl­y) never examined

launch of the first Artemis mission, an unmanned 42-day trip around the moon, has been put on hold probably until November. It was first scheduled to launch in August.

The latest delay is due to the arrival of Hurricane Ian. The massive storm is said to be ‘potentiall­y catastroph­ic’ for the state of Florida. The Artemis rocket stack was located on the launchpad at Kennedy Space Centre in Florida, directly in line with the worst of the hurricane.

The entire rocket stack, which measures over 100 metres high, has been wheeled back into its shelter for protection from the high winds and rains. Rolling this stack back and forth, which NASA has now done several times, takes anywhere from six to 10 hours.

Hurricane Ian made landfall in Florida any possibilit­y of change, you’ve probably got a ‘stuck’ brain, whether that is in the open or closed position.

Where life? can


on Wednesday afternoon. When it hit, it was classified as a Category 4 storm. In fact, wind speeds were so high that it is tied for the fifth-strongest hurricane ever to batter the United States in terms of wind speeds at time of landfall.

Hurricanes in North America are classified on the Saffir–Simpson scale, which measures them purely by wind speed alone. The amount of rain or gusts of wind are not considered in this scale. The average wind speed over one minute at a height of 10m above the surface determines where a hurricane falls on the Saffir–Simpson scale.

Landfall this in my

I imagine we’re all a little closed minded in certain areas of our lives and perhaps a bit too open minded in others. I’ve yet to meet someone I thought was perfectly level across every area in their mind. They may have had a different opinion, but that’s what life is about, isn’t it? Being able to debate, to give and take, to adapt as new facts come to light, that is the point of having full use of your mind.

There are many different functions of the mind, but if it can’t adapt, you will have difficulty in life, right? Can you think of any recent arguments where you weren’t necessaril­y listening as well as you should?

How can you properly use your mind if you aren’t listening and trying to understand? If all you are doing is preparing your rebuttal, your mind is stuck on offense, right?

What about the times that might not have been as heated, but where you still did not really listen to what they were saying, or give any credence to their thoughts? That’s

The scale runs from Category 1 to Category 5. Hurricane Ian had one minute average wind speeds of 241km/hour at landfall, making it a Category 4 hurricane. To qualify as Category 5, it would have to reach sustained wind speeds of 252km/hour.

For comparison, Cyclone Domoina which hit Eswatini in 1984 reached top wind speeds averaged over one minute of only 100km/hour. On the Saffir–Simpson scale, it wouldn’t even qualify as a hurricane. To reach Category 1 level, winds speeds have to hit 119km/hour.

Hurricane Ian comes hot on the heels of Hurricane Fiona. The latter caused floods and power failures across the Caribbean and east coast of Canada last a mind which is stuck shut and refusing to open to even the gentlest breeze. In the opposite direction are those who are far too easily influenced. Whatever they heard someone say is their new mantra. If it was on the news, it must be true.

If someone in a lab coat said so, they couldn’t possibly be lying to them, right? That’s a mind which is stuck open. While occasional­ly a nice breeze comes through, so do insects, animals, rain, snow and harsh winds.

That’s no way to operate a mind, is it? Stuck open isn’t any better than stuck closed, which was the whole point of the statement.

Most of us live somewhere between these extremes. However, as I mentioned before, we all have areas where we’re a little more open and others where we’re a little closer to closed. The point of examining your life is to try to notice the situations you are in and how to counter those urges. What can you do to help open a stuck shut mind? What can you do to close a stuck open mind? If you’re trying to change another person, good luck. You only really have control over your own mind. Or at least I hope you do, right? What can you do to help yourself ?

week. Canadian meteorolog­ists called it the worst storm they had ever seen in that region.

At the time of writing this article, the confirmed death toll from this week’s hurricane was two people in the Caribbean. A migrant boat is also known to have sunk, and occupants are still missing, apart from one man who managed to swim to safety. Two million people in Florida were left without power. About two and a half million people were evacuated ahead of time.


Even though the hurricane weakened to a Category 1 storm soon after making landfall, and even though there is a potential Artemis launch window on Sunday, Florida is in no state to carry out the launch of Artemis, which is why we are now looking at November.

Finally, history was made this week when NASA crashed a satellite into a small asteroid in an attempt to alter its orbit. They are basically looking for proof of concept. Specifical­ly, that in the event of the discovery of a large asteroid that is on a collision path with Earth, they have the option of smashing something into it to push it off course.

The unlucky asteroid is named Dimorphos. While the impact was successful, it is not known yet whether the course of Dimorphos was altered.

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