Times of Eswatini

Production of heavy electric trucks begins

- - Engineerin­g news

Trucks has starte† series pro†uction of the athne†com„paratantne­yrgǯsyeshe.leeacvtyri­Ǧc†uvetyrsion­ǡ s of OLVO wTehigehst­etȌot. rfuͶcͶkts cȋganroosp­secroamte„aitnaattoi­otanl wei†thisthhter­suecknemwa­nau†f†aicttiuorn­esrǡ hthaes psirxoe†luecttiroi­nc tgrluo„ckalmly.o†els in series “This is a milestone an† proves mthatiowne­oafrtehele­ian†iunsgtrtyh­ǡdzestaryas­nsofolvroǦ

VTr“utcǯsklses­sretshia†nentwt ooygeears almgo. since twruecskhs­ofworcaths­e†veoruyrfih­resat vtiymeel.ectric an“†owwilwl †eealriveer­ratmhpesin­eggurpeavt­otlruumcke­s ltaotecur sotnomales­rostaollcu­osvteormeu­rsopineǡ asnia†ǡ

unstraolui­athan†fricaatiǡn­locmalerci­ucsat.dzomer of intenotgti­ostpicusrc­hhaassseit­gwnoe† oalvleotte­r ͶxTʹhesl ecutnriict­straurecke­xtrpaectto­er†st. o arrive †uring the secon† “uarter of next


yeTahre. y will „e use† „y ogistics Ȃ an auto carrier Ȃ in a portǦtoǦfa­cǦ to“rTyhoispem­rartikosnt­hine fiurrs„t asnte. ps localǦ alysipnaer­mt o„frasucisnt­gaienlae„ctlerictrv­aenhsipcol­erst saoylus tiolnvos Threurceki­sn ouotuhthfr­ifcraicaǡdz

“alo†levmoaTrru­hcrkistaen†seonu. r customǦ erms„araecteakœienrgootna­itlhpeipce­hǦaelmleni­sgseiotno ntreacnesp­saorrytǡin†fersapstir­tuecatulra­eckano†f ltehgeǦ islation to †rive more progress in

iemnœprepsrsini­otenr. relia„le atǯns†t renm†asrektati„nlygǡceofm­ficfoiertn­atǦǡ i„mleptroest­rsaivellin.eǦ uprinogf uegrcues†tǡeasnǦ foernœ opurtihnet­errns arfrrivice­a†ǯŒsusTtoiunr­tismme

osntheantr†ie†eacenm† „treurshteo†li†paayrst.ner of the outh frican tourism in†usǦ tryǡ the erce†esǦ enœ printer is rea†ily availa„le at your nearest thiesraier­esaprl oc†aulclyt.idzon of olvoǯs heavǦ iest electric trucks will start in the †Teunvǡeafn­a†ctnoerxyti­ynearoitnh­ethne„ufarcgtǡor­wy ienǦ

hentǡ elgium. on othlveospa­mroe†luinc esaistsite­s lceocntrvi­ecnttriuoc­nkasl trucks. The „atteries are supplie† „y olvo Trucksǯ new „attery asǦ seTmhe„l†yepmlaant†inforheele­nctt.ric trucks is nraoptie†sly ionlvcroeT­asruincgki­sn. many marketsǡ

The company says aroun† Ͷͷ


erce†esǦ enœ commercial vehicle †e“Talheer. erce†esǦ enœ printer is fee“autuiprpes­e†thwatiaths­sinstnionv­kaeteivpei­nsgayfeotu­yǡ syaofuerac­srepwosasi­n„†leyǡoautra­lplatsimse­ensg.ers as

The comfort an† spaciousne­ss tohfethect­ivperinrta­ekreissesn­isŒtoǡyali„nl†eǡ „puot tusrseissa­traene†ssent teianlǡtei­ospnecisas­lliystwfhe­eanǦ transporti­ng passengers­ǡdz sai†


ipner ucreonpteo­tfoa†lal ygotyop†iscatrllay­ntsrpavoer­ltse†a †misetaanns­ceitosfell­eescsttrhi­canpo͵rͲtͲfoklmi­oǡ wcohuicl†h rcoav†erloalgmis­otisctshma­laf rokfetth.e continentǯ­s omf“oorueerhta­hveaeansvʹ­oyl†͸elͲaerͲcot­ournfic†otuͳrruͲec­ͲklͲesucan­trniti†cs trucks in totalǡdz sai† lm. si“gniefiecax­nptelcytin­votlhuemne­sxtofeiwnc­yrearsse. tryuʹckͲs͵Ͳwǡ eatslelals­gtlͷoͲ„aplelyr csehnotuol†f t„he electric.dz sixotlrvuo­ckTrmuock†seǯlselceo­cvterrics lainraenǦu­gpe of applicatio­nsǡ inclu†ing city †istriǦ t„ruatnisopn­oǡ rteafuns†echoannst†rluinctgio­ǡ rnewgiornk­a. l ae†rciae†TersiǦmemn­eœlǡ athnes re. si†ent of The erce†esǦ enœ printer has imnoprreot­vhi†ainnʹgͷsay­feaǡ resffoicfi­exnpt earni†enrceeǦ liTa„hle mpor„iniltietyr lseoalu†tsiothnes.pack as a tfohirnwga­vre†hǦilcoloek­tihnagtǡwr­ielal †pyroǦfvoi†rǦeaynoyuǦ eaxnp†eyroieunrc­terǡatviem­llerasnw† ittihmaefa­ivgeaǦisnt.ar isit info. https://www.mercedesbe­nz.co.za/vans/en/sprinter for more

 ?? ?? V can operate at a total weight of 44 t (gross combinatio­n weight). The first SA units will arrive in South Africa in 2023 says Volvo Trucks President, Roger Alm (inset).
V can operate at a total weight of 44 t (gross combinatio­n weight). The first SA units will arrive in South Africa in 2023 says Volvo Trucks President, Roger Alm (inset).
 ?? ?? The Sprinter leads the pack as a forward-looking, ready-for-anything vehicle that will provide you and your travellers with a fivestar experience, time and time again.
The Sprinter leads the pack as a forward-looking, ready-for-anything vehicle that will provide you and your travellers with a fivestar experience, time and time again.
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