Times of Eswatini

Rapist sent cops on wild goose chase – survivor


MBABANE – A rape survivor has told the court how a man directed police officers to a wrong place while his friend raped her in a forest.

The police had been called by a motorist, who was passing by the area where the rape was taking place.

When the police officers arrived at the area mentioned by the motorist, they found the alleged rapist’s friend next to the road and he told the police that the crime was committed further down the road.

While this was happening, according to the complainan­t, the man’s friend was allegedly raping her in the forest, not too far from the road.

*Sonto told the court that the police officers had come to her rescue after seeing a man dragging her into the forest situated next to the Bethel Court in Ezulwini.


“Sibusiso Dlamini instructed Gcina Vilakati to misdirect the police officers so that he can continue raping me without any disturbanc­e. Watsi hamba ubadukise ngive ngichubeka mine (he said go and misdirect them so that I can continue),” Sonto alleged.

This was after they had noticed blue lights from the oncoming police motor vehicle.

A police officer, Thembi Tsabedze, who rushed to the scene with her colleague after the motorist’s report, corroborat­ed Sonto’s statements and stated that Vilakati informed them that Dlamini had dragged the woman to the camp (enkopolo) situated a few metres from the Corner Plaza.

Tsabedze told the court that when Vilakati directed them to the wrong place, he knew that there was a short-cut leading to the forest where the crime was being committed.

Sonto further told the court that Vilakati came back to rape her after Sibusiso was done. At the time, she stated, she was threatened with a bush knife carried by Vilakati and a slasher carried by Sibusiso.

She submitted that the duo attacked and grabbed her while on her way home along the Corner Plaza-Bhelinah Public Road.


The complainan­t stated that one man was in front while the other came from behind her.

She told the court that a good Samaritan, who was driving in the Corner Plaza direction, made a U-turn and reported the matter at Ezulwini Police Post.

Sonto stated that she identified Vilakati by his walk. Apart from the walk, she mentioned that she recognised Vilakati’s face because it was not covered on the day. She added that there were lights on the street.

However, during cross-examinatio­n, Vilakati denied having raped Sonto. He told the court that he tried to rescue her but left immediatel­y after he realised that Sibusiso had a gun. He told the court that he feared Sibusiso might shoot him. He claimed that he was on his way to the hot springs, known as Manzana, when disturbed by the incident.

“I went back home because I feared that Sibusiso might attack me because I had witnessed the incident,” he submitted.

The matter is pending.

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