Times of Eswatini

Trevor accused of inventing ‘racist backlash’ against Sunak


NEW YORK - Trevor Noah has been accused of inventing a large scale ‘racist backlash’ against Rishi Sunak, who became Britain’s first ever Prime Minister of colour this week.

The United Sates (US) comedy show host, (38), sparked fury among his British fans on Twitter after uploading a ‘Between The Scenes’ segment from his programme The Daily Show, entitled: ‘Unpacking the Backlash to Rishi Sunak.’

In the three-minute clip, which has more than 350 000 views, Noah claimed there were ‘people saying that Indians are going to takeover Great Britain’ as a response to Sunak’s rise to the top job.

Sunak is also the United Kingdom’s (UK) first ever Hindu Prime Minister. His grandparen­ts migrated to the UK in the 1960s and they are all from India, bar his maternal grandmothe­r, who was born in Africa, making him of British Asian heritage.

Noah, a South African native, said ‘seeing the backlash’ over Sunak’s promotion ‘was one of the more telling things about how people view the role that they or their people have played in history.’

He then launched into a missive about post-colonial power structures and the suppressio­n of black people and women in powerful positions.

He said: “You hear a lot of people saying: ‘Oh they’re taking over, Indians are going to take over Great Britain and what’s next?’, and I’ve always found myself going: ‘So what?... what are you afraid of?’

“You see people in the UK, you see people like Tucker Carlson (an American Fox News host) all the time saying: ‘You know what they’re trying to do... they won’t stop until black people and women are in positions of power’’,... so what?”

He added: “Why are you so afraid? I think it’s because the quiet part a lot of people don’t realise they are saying is: ‘We don’t want these people who were previously oppressed to get into power because then they may do to us what we did to them’.’’

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