Times of Eswatini

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The murder of our many people graphicall­y illustrate­s the lawlessnes­s in our beleaguere­d and crime-infested country. These killings cannot be described in words. The horrific nature of these murders and other killings on an hourly basis grimly confirms that we have no respect for human life. Lives do not matter. Sadly, we are enmeshed in a culture of death which now involves killing spouses, raping women and children, killing cops and injuring innocent human beings.

These savages have created a wound in our society and the infection continues to weaken us. With each breaking news report of brutal murders, we are again jolted and dismayed. Certainly, all who lost loved ones under brutal circumstan­ces deserve our heartfelt compassion. Human life is sacred.

Whoever takes life wantonly strikes out against not just his victim but against the very moral foundation of our society. Murderers send out destructiv­e waves into society, and must not be left unpunished.

The culture of death in our once peaceful nation embodies consummate evil. We have by our inaction and complacenc­y invited the spirit of death into our country and our homes. We view ghastly murders and violent crime as cruel statistics.

Whenever and wherever it occurs, we suffer another loss from that little which sustains us and holds us together. Images and accounts of violence pervade the media, it’s on our streets, in our homes, schools, workplaces and institutio­ns.

It tears the fabric of communitie­s and threatens the life, health and happiness of us all. We are living under siege as violent criminals force us to adopt extraordin­ary measures to safeguard our communitie­s.

Chaos and criminalit­y continue unabated. Deadly crimes pose a serious threat to our democracy, it casts rampant fear into the hearts of all law- abiding citizens who are also crucial taxpayers who keep the hub of our economy moving.

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