Times of Eswatini

Doing without asking questions



As mortal sojourners on this beautiful temporary abode called earth, our interest vary and our activities are diverse. We all labour to earn a living and also make a life. The moment we learn or understand the dealings of man on earth, we follow suit and do as we see others do things. Most of the time we do what those who are ahead of us do without even asking any question why things are done the way they are done. We just take things as they are on trust. This sometimes makes us fail or hands us success. When we fail we blame other people or circumstan­ces not knowing that circumstan­ce does not make a man, but reveals him to himself.


When we succeed, we celebrate thinking we made it by ourselves, ignorant of the fact that we are not in charge but laws of life are in charge. Both success and failure are determined by universal law.

When we learn and understand that everything is governed by law, we will then do the only reasonable thing to do, that is, learn and ‘work with the law’. Every discipline and or profession, among other things, operates on law. When we learn the law by which it operates, we are home and dry – we know how to win in any given field.

A farmer must first learn the law of the farm which detects that there is a season for sowing and one for reaping. There are laws governing sowing of a seed and management of the growth of the plant till harvest time. Disobeying the law may cost the farmer his harvest. The farmer must learn the various types of seeds and the types of soil they are compatible with. Ignorance of the law will not do him any good. In all our peace, happiness, health and success they are based on the applicatio­n of the relevant laws to human problems or facts.

M Nkambule

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