Times of Eswatini

Mayibongwe was special woman - ACAESWA

- Mxolisi Dlamini

EZULWINI – The Associatio­n of Christian Artists of Eswatini ( ACAESWA) described the late Mayibongwe Mthimkhulu as an extraordin­ary and special woman.

This was during her memorial service which was held yesterday at the All Nations Christian Church in Zion in Ezulwini.

Mthimkhulu passed away on February 7, 2023 after a short illness. She was the wife to Bishop Bheki Lukhele, founder of All Nations Christian Church in Zion. She played a major role in the Gospel industry.

Mthimkhulu won the Eswatini Best Gospel Artist award twice in 2014 and 2016, respective­ly. Part of her prizes included the grand prize which was a car in both events, where she was honoured by the late Prime Minister Sibusiso Barnabas Dlamini. She was a teacher by profession at St Mark’s Primary School.

Her memorial service attracted over 300 people and among these, was her husband, Bishop Bheki Lukhele, Mthimkhulu family, St Mark’s Primary School pupils as well as the teachers. The pupils and teachers made their presence felt as they honoured the late Gospel star with a musical performanc­e which was appreciate­d by the mourners who had gathered at the church. After the performanc­e by the pupils and teachers, the school’s Head teacher, Bhekile Mabuza, delivered her remarks where she noted that Mthimkhulu helped students to be better versions of themselves as she was passionate about her profession.


Mxolisi Vilakati, who has recently occupied the presidency position at ACAESWA, said the award- winning Gospel star was a very special woman. Vilakati delivered his speech on behalf of ACAESWA: “Following the sudden demise of Mayibongwe Lukhele, ulaMthimkh­ulu, we wish to send our heartfelt condolence­s to Bishop Bheki Lukhele and his family, the Mthimkhulu family, the All Nations Christian Church in Zion, Gospel artists, friends as well as relatives. Mayibongwe was a very special woman and will be missed by many.

“Whatever sickness that might have stolen her from us, it has no power over her music that will continue to linger in our ears as we begin to navigate this new existence without her. Our prayers are with her family, husband, fans the church as well as colleagues in the Gospel industry,” Vilakati said.

He concluded by explaining a premonitio­n he had about Mthimkhulu.

“I had a premonitio­n of my sister Mayibongwe, when we eventually rise up from death to meet our saviour Jesus Christ. The book of

Revelation 7 verse 13 to 17 says ‘ Elinye lamalunga lase liphendvul­a lithi kimi, ‘ la ba abembethe izingubo ezimhlophe bangobani? Bavelaphi na? Lase lithi kimi, laba yibona abaphuma osizini olukhulu bahlanza izingubo zabo, bazenza zaba mhlophe egazini leWundlu’. I had this premonitio­n as if Mayibongwe is among those wearing white robes rising up to Heaven, singing a new song in high spirit,” Vilakati said.

 ?? ?? A section of the people who attended the memorial service held at All Nations Christian Church in Zion yesterday.
A section of the people who attended the memorial service held at All Nations Christian Church in Zion yesterday.
 ?? ?? All Nations Christian Church in Zion members captured performing during the memorial service.
All Nations Christian Church in Zion members captured performing during the memorial service.
 ?? ( Pics: Mxolisi Dlamini) ?? ( From L) Bishop Biya, All Nations Christian Church in Zion founder Bishop Bheki Lukhele and Bishop Kunene.
( Pics: Mxolisi Dlamini) ( From L) Bishop Biya, All Nations Christian Church in Zion founder Bishop Bheki Lukhele and Bishop Kunene.
 ?? ?? St Mark’s Primary School pupils honoured their late teacher Mayibongwe with a song during the memorial service.
St Mark’s Primary School pupils honoured their late teacher Mayibongwe with a song during the memorial service.

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