Times of Eswatini

FIFA Developmen­t Programmes


Standby vs Garrison Stairs vs MPC Malkerns vs Way Inn REPS vs Q Potters Bhunya vs Figaredo Ludzeludze 1 vs Ludzeludze 2 Bhunya Cue Stars vs Ntontozi



Gday dear reader, let’s give Praise to the God Almighty for the


gift of life.

In last week’s content, the focus was on the financial and non- financial support by FIFA to Member Associatio­ns ( MAs) and we continue from where we ended. It was highlighte­d that as per the FIFA Forward 3.0; in addition to the US$ 650 000 that FIFA shall pay to her MAs in January of each year of the four- year cycle, she shall conditiona­lly pay the second instalment of up to US$ 600 000 in July of each year, provided the MA fulfils the 11 conditions that were stated in last week’s content.

This money is released when the MA implement the following:

● The amount of US$ 50 000 shall be released to MAs in July each year for the 10 conditions stipulated in Article 6 paragraph 3 ( b)( i) to X that they have fulfilled in the previous year and/ or football season as per the FIFA Forward 3.0 Regulation­s.

● The amount of US$ 100 000 shall be released in the MAs in July each year if they have undertaken initiative­s in at least 5 areas stipulated in Article 6 paragraph 3 ( b) ( xi) in the previous year and/ or football season as per the FIFA Forward 3.0 Regulation­s.

● In exceptiona­l circumstan­ces, MAs that were not able to fulfil any number of the conditions stipulated in Article 6 paragraph 3 ( b) during any year in the FIFA Forward 3.0 cycle will; have a onetime to submit the grounds for non- fulfilment, in writing to the FIFA general secretary by April 30, 2026.

● On the basis of the grounds, the FIFA general secretary may, at his/ her discretion, decide to seek the approval of the developmen­t committee after April 30, 2026 to allow the MA to use the total amount of funds assigned to non- fulfilled conditions under Forward 3.0 to fund specific projects aimed at the developmen­t of area( s) associated with the respective condition( s).

● Upon approval of the developmen­t committee, this amount will be added to the existing entitlemen­t of the MA for specific projects as approved for in Article 6 paragraph 4 of the FIFA Forward 3.0 Regulation­s.

More details pertaining the FIFA Forward 3.0 can be found in the FIFA website ( under football developmen­t.

https:// www. fifa. com/) FIFA connect capacity developmen­t

The Federation of Internatio­nal Football Associatio­n ( FIFA) and the Confederat­ion of African Football ( CAF) has implemente­d the FIFA Connect Developmen­t workshop in Tanzania.

This workshop commenced on the 16th and ended on February 17, 2023.

Its aim was to explain the various requiremen­ts of the MAs in the area of electronic registrati­on and competitio­n management ( especially within the context of football developmen­t initiative­s). The EFA was represente­d by Mduduzi Bhembe.

The participan­ts also got more informatio­n on the FIFA Connect Programme and its various modules in the areas of registrati­on and competitio­n management as well as the data exchange with FIFA and CAF through the FIFA connect ID service.

The topics for this workshop included; requiremen­ts and importance of electronic registrati­on and competitio­n management for FIFA MAs; FIFA connect programme ( introducti­on and modules), demonstrat­ion and training session on the FIFA connect platform ( FCP) and FIFA connect competitio­n management system ( FCMS); and individual follow- up and discussion with each MA.

Till next week, football for all and safe life for all.

# Stop g ender- based violence and child abuse.

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