Times of Eswatini

Why you need agricultur­al insurance?

- High veld Low veld Middleveld

Ivegetable producLtio­nhiisnidsi­sctaattees­dain inscwreaat­sinei. OCAL oDzmopcanly­veugrevtea­ybleeporro­td. uction grew marginally by ͺ per cent itnonʹnͲeʹ­sͳcroemcop­radrinedg ͷtoͲtͶhͻem­Ͷe͸tr͹i͸c rmeeatdrsi­cthtoenrne­epsoretc. orded in ʹͲʹͲ,dz ccording to the report, this waiamseadr­aetsiunlct­roefatshin­egindiotim­ateisvteic­s


++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + + ++ ++ ++ _ _ + ++ + ++ + + ++ + ++ -

Broccoli - - - - + ++ -


Melons + + +

Pumpkin -

Squash - + _ _ ++ efatarmble­inpgr,odiugchtio­anluseuchr­oaps taunndnveg­l

moratlilch­uolltduerr­al parroŒetc-tlsedȋ proŒectȌs, tȋo farmȌ,etrhse, pthreoviin­snionvaotf­isoenedpll­iantgform, and the lobal ȋgood agrhicisul­atlusroerp­ersaucltie­cdeȌin. increased capacity for self-sufficienc­y in psoromdeuc­ctosnsuvce­hntaisocna­ablbvaegeg­se,tsapbinlea­cimh apnodrtlae­ttitounceo­fwthiethse­lipmriotde­ducts.

you all Sthant otwwo of the most impoof rftaarnmt iansgpeacr­tes nowing when to ptolapnlta­anntd. wohgaot ahleoaodatnhdrohua­gvhe tyhoius wdialilrby­eaansdsist­ed in that acsrpoepcs­t.w erneeaerde to plant in the rtoeatshoe­nsdǢiffere­nt + + + + + + ++ + + + ++ ++ ++ _ _ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ + + ++ ++

AKEY abelesͳt. times, saunidtabu­lnestuimit­eas-, bfileeldti­pmlaenstif­nogr in the regionsǢ oiwgvhevld­ealndd, middleveld.

I Acwoourpledofitnhf­inavgosula­rteolfyfha­arvmeneǯrt. he increase in stoc theft acfofuecpt­leeddpwroi­dthuctthio­enh. eavy rains has toc theft continues to indicate an roempaains­ya buirgvinec­yreaespeo,ratnsdtate­sdwtahtain­tiit threat to growth of feedlots. hile, the heavy rains have resulted in crop fdcalaicmm­toaartgsee­tchfoatrna­gmfefo,efscatrfmf­airnmgeer“su.iinpcmltuh­edenert breadown and maret changes. maurechfof­rafcatromr­serasraena­d dcarneacda­uesdenfing­ahntciuasl­hlioosnss. yuotua. gDzriocusla­tufergaul ainrsdutrh­aenmceselv­es against potential financial losses, farmers must insure their farms, livesitohc­va, crriopus angdrimcua­lcthuirnae­lryin.dzsurances in the maret, it is best that a ifrnaisrsumrieanrnt­cfhierepsf­tlairndm.enbteifoie­rse tchheoposo­isnsgibaln­e thehfeollo­gwr icnuglstut­erpes tocacdheom­osyestuhge­greigshtst insurance planǣ

Identifyin­g potential dangers is the first step in securing your farm.

Identify possible risks armers should thoroughly evaluate the riss associated with their farm sheatœsa,rtdassinucghinw­teoaathcce­or-urneltapte­odatenndti­asl mdiasrasetet rssw, ien“gus.ipment failures, and

armers should ešplore insurance

Choose the correct insurance provider pmroeonsvt­iscd.leorsesele­laycntmidn­agstecahln­eecsitntst­hhueerirao­nrnecee“uptihroaet­vaniddera wtriathcarseocloid­rdfionfanp­caiyailnsg­tacnladiim­ngs on time is crucial.

armers should carefully ešamine available policies and choose the one

Choose the right policy

fthoarttoh­ffeeirsath­seseritgsh­at nledvellao­nfdp.roteactinong asriudsree“sutahanted­epthooalpi­tcrtyehvec­eocnvotevp­reosrataeg­lnel tpliiaomlt­iletonssta­sieraesl is crucial. aondmisoasffmeesriug­shraetdvth­eaar“ytucaaostv­eaefrparrg­ometeidsce­ctvuieorln­roep, nist.

Evaluate and update your coverage frequently

is crucial to routinely ešamine and update it.

It is crucial for farmers to maintain anccduirna­vtenrteocr­oy,ridnsclouf­dainllgfam­ramchaisns­eertys,

Keep accurate records

alonsism, tahlsisaen­vdidcernoc­pes.wInilltbhe neveecenst­soafrya “anudicitlcya. n ensure that claims are paid theivleoss­tsocof icnastutrl­eanacseapr­oetseucltt­soafgainin­csitdents

Types of agricultur­al insurance

● Livestock insurance: lie disease, theft, or natural catastroph­es. cdoanmhdai­istgieopnr­cosa,tueoscreto­dstahbgeya­rdifniasce­ttaocsrres­o,.pc liomssatoi­cr

● Crop insurance:

his guards against damage or loss

● Farm (property) insurance: atthonrdte­haoettshfa­ienrrcmlau­ǯsdssientt­rgsu.fcirtreuo,rrteasci,ntmiso, anwciahngi­dnaiaennrs­ydt, theft may be part of this policy. agaiainbsi­ltitmy oinnseutra­arnycecloa­fifmerssbd­reofuenghs­et

● Liability insurance:

about by mishaps or inŒuries sustained on a farm. lso, this coverbagro­eumgihgtha­tbdoeufetn­bdyafgaari­mns-pt rlaowdusuc­ietds gaofaoardmisn.egr,ohuatsagit­rsicbuelnt­uerfiatlsi.nsurance

as It will give you peace of mind. ou cwaonrrcyo­incgeanbtr­oauttepion­tfeanrtmia­ilnlgoswse­itsh. ouetocacuc­user, eyvoeuninnotwheyo­euveanret tchoevyers­ehdo.uld

It offers protection against monsetraur­cytilonsso­ers dbirsoaupg­phetaroann­bcey othf efadremset­raurcytilo­nssoers

● Prevent financial losses:

property, including cattle, machinery, wanidthbou­itldininsg­usr.ancseincgo­leulodccru­ersruelnt cine seuvebnstb­aanntiarlufpintc­ayn.cial harm, possibly

●In order to obtain financing for your Compliance with lender requiremen­ts:

farming business, lenders may demerasnwd­htohahtayv­oeuahgoril­dcuilntsuu­rraal ninces.urarnmceme­rasnwdhtoh­ahtayvoeua­hgorildcui­lntsuurraa­l can more easily fulfill these criteria and obtain the cash they re“uire to operate their farm.

●a● Pinrvosiut­tearcaltnc­ioocnemaip­sgoalniian­ebnsittlli­oetyfgaain­glcrsliuac­ruiamlntsu­c:re-,

which offers defense against lawsuits brought about by mishaps or inŒuries

Agricultur­al insurance to

Lidwala Agricultur­al

typheissoh­fapsoltihc­ireeseǢ Insurance

lcirvoepsp­toucltcroyvceo­rvaenrd, covreorp. cover scope hl daisliansc­tleurdseȋs­sntoartumr­a, astnodrlmi­g,hwtninindg,Ȍf, rmoastnlic­oinou-ps odlaimtiac­gael,rfiroet, sutnscaond­tarnodllas­btrliepee,

consider outbreasȌ.

FNB Agricultur­al inshurisan­icnesuranc­e

fooflfleor­ws icnogvaesr­sfeotrsǣth­e damage to crops incdlruodu­ingghhtaai­lndamn

Crops: atgue-, braulidldi­siansgtesr­sa.ndaramll binucsliun­desins ge“turaipcmto­ernst, ahnardvaes­ntyerost,hpelarnstp­eerstciiuo­almnisspey­dsseate“nmudipsi.rmriegnat-.

 ?? ?? With the rise of stock theft livestock insurance is your best bet to have you covered from financial losses.
Lidwala agricultur­e Insurance offers poultry cover.
With the rise of stock theft livestock insurance is your best bet to have you covered from financial losses. Lidwala agricultur­e Insurance offers poultry cover.
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