Times of Eswatini

God has spoken, let us take heed



, have listened to the service at Mandvulo +all over and over. 8n fortunatel­y , could not resist focusing on it as Ze thinN aloud in this article.

,t is interestin­g that the King hosts these services from time to time but this particular service Zas in my vieZ the most poZerful.

We all NnoZ that men of God Zho are given an opportunit­y to preach face either praise or criticism based on the messages they deliver.

$lloZ me to share a feZ things the Man of God shared in a bid to reflect on Zhat , heard God say to us as a na tion. ,n this service Bishop 9ilaNati¶s message Zas imploring the nation to seeN God for in God there is Moy hope and poZer.

5ev Mabu]a¶s message beseeched God $lmighty to heal our nation from bitterness anger and broNen hearts. Bishop Kasaru shared five pillars of unity. +e noted that pillars support a structure and pillars support each oth er. The pillar of vision unites people.

Then the pillar of truth. +e Zas pained by manifestat­ion of lies in our land and that many folloZ lies. +e noted that the truth stands the test of time and builds societies.


+e Tuoted Jesus Zhen he said ³, am the Zay and the truth.” +e implored the nation to speaN the truth and live the truth.

The pillar of love fosters unity builds family and society Zhilst the pillar of peace fosters Moy happiness and fosters unity. 2n the pillar of humility he noted that Jesus Zashed his disciples noting that µZhoever Zants to be great must be a servant of all¶ 3ontius 3ilate on the other hand Zashed his hands and said he had nothing to do Zith the Jesus matter.

The nation is going through unprec edented challenges Zhich have left so many in deep pain. This includes among others &29,' Zhich devastated individual­s families and the Zhole nation.

While many Zere grieving the loss of relatives colleagues and friends there Zas the civil unrest Zhich added fuel to the fire and left many families devastated Zith loss of loved ones and properties. There Zas call for investi gation Zhich Zould help families to find closure and the nation to find the root cause of the problem.


The indifferen­ce did not help calm the Zaters instead the situation got Zorse as death and loss of property continued.

$lso critical is the crisis of ser vice delivery as drug shortages has become a norm student protests on scholarshi­ps has destabilis­e their train ing and mob Mustice Must to mention a Must a feZ.

The prayer acNnoZledg­ed that Ze are in deep trouble. , Zas taught early in the (vangelical church that Zhen God speaNs it is dangerous to be self righteous and thinN God is speaNing to others. What , learnt is to alZays open my heart for God to illuminate Zith +is Word. +ence , vieZ this service as directed to all ema6Zati regardless of social stand ing age class to mention a feZ.

, am reminded of Jesus Zhere +e came to the synagogue and opened a scroll in /XNH . ,t reads µand the scroll of the 3rophet ,saiah Zas handed to him.


8nrolling it he found a place Zhere it said µThe spirit of the /ord is upon me because he has anointed me to proclaim good neZs to the poor. +e has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind to set the oppressed free and to proclaim the day of the lord¶.

+e then said ³Today the scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” Jesus is the ansZer to all our problems. +e came to give life abundantly. This national prayer has reminded all of us of the pain Ze are going through.

+ence Ze Zere implored to seeN Gods face earnestly Ze Zere urged to besiege God to heal our land.

We have been given five pillars of unity 9ision love truth peace and humility. )ormer 3resident =uma in his remarNs implored this nation to en gage in dialogue to avoid Zhat 6outh $frica e[perienced Zhere many lives Zere lost.


,n -DPHV it says ³)or if anyone is hearer of the Zord and not a doer he is liNe a man Zho looNs intently at his natural face in a mirror. )or he looNs at himself and goes aZay and at once forget Zhat he has seen.”

God has spoNen in an audible voice to all of us as a nation especially leaders at all levels and sectors of socie ty. 'oZnplaying the deep crisis the country Zill be tragic. , thanN God for +is special message. 'ialogue under pinned by humility Zill save us from total destructio­n. ThanN you /ord


 ?? (Pic: Mhlonishwa Motsa) ?? Emakhosika­ti enjoying praise and worship during the 2023 National Prayer Service, hosted by His Majesty King Mswati III, to mark the beginning of the year.
(Pic: Mhlonishwa Motsa) Emakhosika­ti enjoying praise and worship during the 2023 National Prayer Service, hosted by His Majesty King Mswati III, to mark the beginning of the year.
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