Times of Eswatini

Armed forces rent E8m

- BY WELCOME DLAMINI welcome@times.co.sz

µµThe AG, in a previous audit, warned that the rental decision was a violation of Section 401 of the Financial and Accounting Instructio­n, which states that “money must not be spent merely because it has been authorised by Parliament.”

MBABANE – 7he use of private vehicles by security forces during the political unrest has come at a huge cost to government. 3rincipal 6ecretary 36 in the Ministry of 3ublic :orks and 7ransport, 7hulani Mkhaliphi has revealed to the Auditor *eneral A* , 7imothy Matsebula, that an amount of E8 342 237.64 was spent in respect of renting the vehicles for the country¶s µarmed forces¶ to intervene during the unrest.

In late -une and early -uly 2021, the .ingdom of Eswatini experience­d unpreceden­ted civil unrest, that resulted in do]ens of deaths and hundreds of injuries.

7he unrest was marked by violence, looting, arson and large-scale destructio­n of public and private property.


7he situation overwhelme­d the police force, and the army had to come out of the barracks to assist, something that caused internatio­nal uproar as the country was labeled a military 6tate.

A number of private vehicles were seen being driven around by members of the 6tate security forces in the midst of the unrest.

6ocial media captured a number of private registered companies that were used by members of the 6tate

security forces during this period.

7hese vehicles, as has now been revealed, were rented under the &entral 7ransport Administra­tion &7A .

7his is said to have seen the ministry overspendi­ng by as much as 642 per cent on this one budget item.

7he function of the &7A is to purchase, maintain and dispose of government vehicles and other related equipment, as well as to provide fuel for government vehicles.


It also provides vehicles on shortterm hire to government ministries and department­s.

Matsebula, the A*, has questioned the value for money accrued from this expenditur­e, which he said was exorbitant.

Also, he said the 36 failed to provide justificat­ion for the exorbitant expenditur­e.

7his is informatio­n contained in the )inancial Audit 5eport on the &onsolidate­d *overnment Accounts of the .ingdom of Eswatini for the financial year ended March 31, 2022.

7he report was tabled in 3arliament on )riday as part of the documents accompanyi­ng the Appropriat­ion %ill of 2023, during the budget speech that was delivered by Minister of )inance 1eal 5ijkenberg.

After being tabled, the A*¶s report will now be scrutinise­d by the 3ublic Accounts &ommittee 3A& where all those implicated and seen as having a case to answer will be called to account for their actions.


Matsebula said he warned the 36, who is the ministry¶s controllin­g officer, that they had incurred an exorbitant expenditur­e in respect of rentals, amounting to the E8.3 million under the &7A.

+e said this resulted in an unappropri­ated over-expenditur­e of E7 217 237.64 642 per cent , since the appropriat­ed budget was E1. 5 million and the released budget was E1 125 000, in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022.

7he A* said he advised the controllin­g officer that in all procuremen­t activities, value for money and competitiv­e prices should be opted in the use of public funds, and should ensure that wasteful and fruitless expenditur­e was avoided at all cost.

“In response, the controllin­g officer concurred with my audit observatio­n and explained that the over expenditur­e was due to private car hire for armed forces for interventi­on during unrest.

“+e further disclosed that &7A has started procuring vehicles for the forces with the vehicle replacemen­t budget and that this will drasticall­y reduce the need for private car hire,´ Matsebula states in his report.

+e said the response of the controllin­g officer was noted however, evidence to this claim was not provided to him, to justify that the exorbitant expenditur­e for rentals was only due to private car hire for armed forces, and he did not give any value for money justificat­ion for the option to hire at such high cost.


7he A* noted that this was the second time in as many financial years that he is raising the same concern of exorbitant expenditur­e in respect of vehicles rentals in the ministry, as during the financial year ended March 31, 2021 he uncovered that an amount of E18 1 074.10 had been spent for the same purpose instead of procuring new vehicles since there was an adequate budget.

+e said he advised that the ministry should cease incurring un-appropriat­ed expenditur­e and should find the best balance between µrentals spending with no properties ownership¶ and µbuying to own the properties¶ in line with the costs, benefits and risks, and consider µvalue for money¶.

“9alue for money is one of the key considerat­ions of any decision involving the use of public funds across government, as it is supported by the µ)ive &ase¶ Model of 'ecision Making. 7he )ive &ase Model is a decision making tool used by developed government­s to make informed strategic, economic, commercial, financial and management decisions,´ Matsebula said.


In terms of µvalue for money¶, the A* said, he did not think that the costs of these rentals shall be sustainabl­e and affordable in the foreseeabl­e future, due to the declining trend in the government¶s revenue streams, and funding may not be available to sustain the rental option.

7he A*, in the previous audit, warned that the rental decision was a violation of 6ection 401 of the )inancial and Accounting Instructio­n, which states that “Money must not be spent merely because it has been authorised by 3arliament. &ontrolling officers should encourage economy

 ?? ?? A table showing the amount of E8.3 million that was spent in renting cars for armed forces for use during the political unrest.
A table showing the amount of E8.3 million that was spent in renting cars for armed forces for use during the political unrest.
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