Times of Eswatini

The death of ‘Swazi capitalism’



When .ing 6obhu]a ,, lent his support to the establishm­ent of the 6wa]iland Commercial $madoda, what he and the indigenous entrepre neurs of the time envisaged, was an economy in which any li6wati with the right vision and requisite drive and commitment, should be able to plough his trade, in a competitiv­e and fair economic environmen­t.

The establishm­ent of this organisa tion of indigenous entreprene­urs saw the birth of the unique idea of ‘6wa]i Capitalism¶.


$ system of economic activity, though similar in nature to regular capitalism, albeit with its own unique characteri­stics and identifier­s. Chief among these was the absence of mo nopolistic, anti competitiv­e and con glomeratic behaviour in the economy.

,n the days of old, ‘senior¶ entre preneurs were eager to lend a helping hand to those starting out. ,t was not uncommon for competitor­s, in the spirit of entreprene­urial camaraderi­e, to lend support to each other. *iven the si]es of our economy and popu lation, there is enough for everybody.

,t is, therefore, unfortunat­e to ob serve that the economy is now firmly in the hands of a cabal of individual­s, who have decided in smoky back room deals, that they will entrench themselves in every sector of the economy, leaving nothing for any body else. )or evidence of this, one simply needs to glance at the media, transporta­tion, constructi­on, waste management and other sectors of the economy.


This aggressive, greed fuelled mo nopolisati­on does not bode well for the future economic prospects of the country.

0onopolisa­tion has a top down, trickling effect; with large companies increasing­ly being owned by the same group of people, so will the compa nies that supply them with goods and services, arresting competitio­n and further entrenchin­g monopolisa­tion throughout value and supply chains. This unfortunat­ely, advances the inter ests of white people, over ema6wati, as the services industry is dominated by whites.

³The last man standing in an industry is not the winner, he is the last loser.´


 ?? (File pic) ?? The Mbabane Bus Rank. The reader says Swaziland Commercial Amadoda was establishe­d for indigenous entreprene­urs to be able to plough their trade, in a competitiv­e and fair economic environmen­t.
(File pic) The Mbabane Bus Rank. The reader says Swaziland Commercial Amadoda was establishe­d for indigenous entreprene­urs to be able to plough their trade, in a competitiv­e and fair economic environmen­t.
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