Times of Eswatini

Babes Wodumo graces Xolani’s birthday celebratio­n

- 0 2 ,6, 0,1,

MANZINI - South African (SA) musician Babes Wodumo gave fun lovers a time of their life at The Xchange Lounge and Shisanyama on Saturday.

orn onJekile 0ildred 6iPelane popXlar ly known aV abeV :odXPo iV an 6 ToP artiVt and choreoJrap­her 6he roVe to IaPe IollowinJ the releaVe oI her breakthroX­Jh VonJ ‘Wololo’ in 7he VonJ later appeared on her debXt VtXdio albXP ‘Gqom Queen’ releaVed in the VaPe year

7he Vhow waV dXbbed olani V ll

lack irthday elebration and the YerVatile PXVician waV the headliner oI the Vhow Xe to the PaVViYe weiJht Vhe haV in the PXVic indXVtry patronV caPe in their nXPberV to witneVV her perIorP liYe aV the YenXe waV PaVViYely packed V a way oI balancinJ the eTXation local -V were alVo JiY en an opportXnit­y to rep reVent local talent at the well attended Vhow

7heVe local -V inclXd ed YerVatile Vpinner 6Ja o 7o ik iVto ay aVh 7ee Vto 8rcoXVinph­ayo 0na tion 5owen 7he th 6ir 7ea y VbX 7he rXP - ,tVallblaT aV well aV 0otoyePali 7heVe -V pXlled TXite a Vhow holdinJ the eYent down IroP the eYeninJ Xntil the ne t day at aP i 3a tronV

VcreaPed with e citePent at the top oI their Yoic eV when abeV :odXPo waV annoXnced to haYe entered the YenXe 6he caPe i n a red 0ercedeV en claVV Podel which parked MXVt behind the

VtaJe Ior PinXteV beIore Vhe aliJhted to take oYer the VtaJe 3atronV were already packed by the dance floor area waitinJ to witneVV umama ka6ponJe V perIorPanc­e

abeV :odXPo didn t Vhow Xp alone aV Vhe broXJht PXVician 0adanoni on the

VtaJe to back her perIorPanc­e 7hey took oYer the VtaJe at aP and pXlled TXite a Volid perIorPanc­e 6he perIorPed Ior only

PinXteV alonJVide her two captiYatin­J dancerV who wowed patronV dXrinJ the Vhow Iter deliYerinJ her perIorPanc­e Vhe went to the ,3 area where Vhe took pictXreV with IanV and then Jranted thiV pXblicatio­n an interYiew where Vhe opened Xp aboXt her e citePent Ior beinJ part oI the Vhow


, waV happy to be part oI the Vhow it waV really e citinJ howeYer it haV been a while Vince , YiVited Vwatini , aP really inVpired that olani booked Pe Ior hiV birthday celebratio­n what PakeV Pe Pore happy iV that , don t know hiP bXt he choVe to book Pe Ior VXch a Vhow

, aP hXPbled by that hence , had to Pake VXre that , deliYer a top notch perIorPanc­e abeV :odXPo Vaid 6he IXrther annoXnced that her albXP iV on the way and it will definitely hit the Parket thiV year 7he albXP iV on the way and it IeatXreV 0aPpintVha naloku angasekho, bXt ama YerVe akhe akhona , will haYe to decide whether , re leaVe it on 0arch or dXrinJ hiV birthday in -Xne 7hiV will be a track albXP bXt , aP not JoinJ to reYeal the title yet aV , aP Vtill tryinJ to craIt a proper one aV a tribXte to 0aPp intVha Vaid the PXVician 7he ToP TXeen waV Parried to 0aPpintVha born 0andla 0aphXPXlo who waV a 6oXth Irican prodXcer and PXVician e waV a PePber oI the iJ 1X band Pade Xp oI 0 i anJer 7VhoPela and the late 6bXViVo 5 0aVheVha .hoPa e IoXnded the well known kwaito JroXp in 0aPpintVha paVVed away laVt year on ecePber

 ?? ?? Babes Wodumo, doing her thing on stage.
MC Missy Unique ensure that she kept patrons entertaine­d.
Babes Wodumo, doing her thing on stage. MC Missy Unique ensure that she kept patrons entertaine­d.
 ?? ?? Patrons captured enjoying themselves during the show.
Patrons captured enjoying themselves during the show.
 ?? ?? Birthday boy Xolani posing with the cake during the show.
Birthday boy Xolani posing with the cake during the show.
 ?? ?? Rowen The Vth made sure that Hip Hop was
Rowen The Vth made sure that Hip Hop was
 ?? ?? Mnation and Samu Once Again captured performing their hitsong ‘Ama 2000’.
Mnation and Samu Once Again captured performing their hitsong ‘Ama 2000’.
 ?? ?? Toxik and partner captured with Babes Wodumo after her performanc­e.
Toxik and partner captured with Babes Wodumo after her performanc­e.

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