Times of Eswatini

30 India Africa scholarshi­p scheme opportunit­ies


acrctoaicu­cnuioeaenc­fao ncnrnn dtAdeeeit tt epi wrinswrwrt­ei caeesecsoh­hd n dara. ouetr o ai( pitf tlpnpfth eieph rugit rrsineeh resmsco aaheircho nnirepmeen­eoigdenu lg lray speti tsintthoop­rnhahuoieu­fo erne iiEgttrtnr­rrgshreut de rdna mop regctppre hm ppatpaeeoe­heedes) errie. sssrrr--- wri rthtru gc g gtf, l eeo g so aiio u u tor l rs , w tpapwAbsht­leArusurir­oholetsmil­cvp enh weennslgee­ssiioit s slhs i e hoaoni dsutsnloip­hussn eeac, oyg ciibmtsfot­aioohe. nolarelm oiemist uuadhxtmdn­deiepoemin­i etnnbttriy­tstsseies ostw dinatfho cnhintaote­doosstf, o- nl sA c . tTl c mut ee ca nty srsa bls teu es l

mroca ipsS , TotA aauahrts- dsbhdtcbLe eaiheelwe lemnaonirv etcdetotei­yloecs-- lll, AAhwmfosta­eorpxsnasc­aoira ehn asynerpmce­ddso srispiliuc­efo ienoiilr naanit afpdctF iuletmcooo­e frn ir ta hybivrsm gcoier eigm aoelusmrih­drupIrsut eil oyaioistht­tmmr nstftyi- t. egdb cehec hsi o ◗ a. a lscyns mi/ Psqmcetueu­esraadssln eiiossfnn ytvtha seta lrow tyc hbhchoeaoe mr aaaappdpcp­pemtlletiy­iicrtt ai tt- vote ieA odA. nI ls no thore ooirss-- fi t pht April ,

Deadline: Apply: www. tkieswatin­i. imgAtrHf( afiAdSsa I 2asuosuhei­Swnmocatca­mcnlone. htdtnhhsil­d ciatotsoc iiescerohc­anr lhmlt afra saeryun rhr lshsita Camo( phehhierGr­nnovsil cpsaA ptigucioon­hst ndfsopin opefircgn mirsrisihl­assrr)---- ll.

org/ scholarshi­ps osoSf ueebItoCat­scsffn eulr fCth. e otTesrdnht­elp hiwrta svneengpep oc dAi slttsoa/ cei Edr/ rpauCid uli ero l. ir uurtiwo ov) e o iweh w . E ra n tee d. eh as: ac cwt ogdh e

io nianl, fwrohmic hFe wbri ulla br ye pc, e r. agt oi ov..

c Arreepscpp­tlelyic cstaievtne­ito ubnnysi vsweturisl­dlie tbineetss . d tio-

Highlights of the scheme/ admission process ◗ abfaaotnge­erhtde wci l loehei f orny sirpe tra shi ors te sg . bruneaen damtd eme re lge ieymrsnea, dtt rhu es-, u me te ha gw ai is Apptceyysh­ioeesahdbe­ua armlyssrre­rausssis. iam) so sseee/ tBi ttaodihcc. ni. ccserB/ afeAi& larnp yMtLmhone, udeSoa rdcncnd oi/(( amciufflen­aiiarivvsl­gwss/ a ( s cie) h/ e . t) g nSs. a r. ns Lit Ba ee---, a, IBieianctm­nE m d,/ at y Tc) sbmac eaGnhi rrds necat oor mdcytueoea rsamdrs Fptds hosu Mrah lmsteha oefy- torIhts ysr-s a CB hi. e e , e - n(



◗ dopilsaycw­Aopsafatlo­yineahiolc­on oufeolgupt­shuct faaentuyrh­ituso sasrot f aseoii ilsdmrpacb, r aopacomoel­a ehyneeonao­nprips nutdtnptoi­pel imai lfmacpwn nctmdapcct­edb tipheltahw­A hprluieieu­yaoirihivn­i eaolstrsgr­ieoe weiayteteh­rt dnhc ai. stuias ttisniantc hhtssesoih. sieorn ptttehcebd­A, rlsepnsee idr se nuesc cl r toai iesasunumt­loedtnhoos­loh msmhwi am t opprovttia­autous, rn nnscaratrh­itasrlrelt­ndho ru fm attye ri. a, sdse sctwhfoa eituc do loa oalwtienen­mt odf oanp chts hnm heagiiunle­oe tt---,, e y o s te x os nibm h t i ohrt i ti yyggees h ecs. ii r on y ydn deeui e sao wis e b n o vhr u nSetussd eton te anmgabgite­i otnh ea nudn faanm oiplieanr.-

Other key characteri­stics Ashesi considers are:

Aga dgeinmgo onusttsria­dteed t hinet celraessst­r iono emn.-

◗ treibsiurt­ee ttoo hseollpv iontgh eprrso balnedm cso. n- tunililtii­negsn aensds htoe lepn cgraegaet eo tphpeomr-. Cfoormmp, ilnectleud­d ionngl pineers aopnpalli ecsastaioy­sn. poigrth c sacrhdos ofol rt raat nlesacsrti psitxs toerr mres-.


Six EGCSE ( GC EO- Level) pass




fIsaoIclIo­rh- n oGgo) r law esdhiqetou­hsu tvlrd aa lbtneoesn c utr pliep l( ovtFaseod. lr eomdf , i tvoAieropd­rnsep irltti oioce fasa t/ nphitpnesl­si yrht iapttouvre etfef ietsvhr eieen nu otcnhpeie.-- AltStSiucp­ifahotasln i uihneancin diavdi enEuaa rn- itTcnirnws­slttdgOa ootiril bnFisiocnr­esetldaEdl­hseeidn uLn re. cve/ staIee. sirIilfedl­saoEs lwdoy oesTssicin dv rse its w fLtd cuairSoei oesbEf rcmnaeeetc­tpdglrcsyi­yt---..,, p i t s rnce Trasonvece­inehrrhate­efsurao iwsertrlcs­yeanaht/ aoi nila rnacswiptr­ordiosi- t nlthtrulih­toi tc pbietm oos eesn ite. ihn sltececos llc sea yt uattneehds­iddees- sry u Svwreeelir­tiessuagib­eildtba ie riintlcnni­efhttoi svaor enfamr rdcrisota eideutt royairio datne Ihvan oonibssfrd­tfeeoei gfdtruouee grtntdhoee-, s/ s y c

◗ teltL, d, ( nmTcipEfom­ipcsolfrnS­eahs oaesg iosalusrls­eaesit siipdge envhdsinot­nenessmrhh­e Act c it lsac- snpuifeeLt­ivcnosascd­xdrtrsaeee­idltslot io puIvweSens oaeghSGnee­catrdgnwpr­icea itagiiMem minno llEnn awg aaaegAycff­tmec Mhisref eitMsGnlr eohceeh areeaatqsC­gmrseai rahrstgn earfghii( rtrrerO euimte edAedtrmcM­h- s ary geta, ea Ci ei etsaeehm nnoa. rsmqqe u sislddoae) hn al, ( A i- eg lt uera edt ioc g ibi Mnnp sltd phb r A m- r) snc s)----- inSoenp ttus t u ee Es L aueaj Enhtoatiia­vtena rrhnyrlgii­sec deet. egsA , aaATwcasbs­tlolyAtayo­eorttaoorn­pftSerssai­guuof etsuuadtpl­h ddeela crren rlie ocrbnassac­sictc dneetugrwl­iifapaigra­e n fpuphdsrab­prtpgedirr­ioeln twi viasos enc misnnmtbvf­etndtah itaecm rbdnsoam ihseiodnst­pilhednre isnmam. pis, A marrdustto­hdt tnothuomn mcoipsnaed aininsnaci­fnvsn. sdnsoeciie­I rtupaanedy­oame rirttaorcr­sdcte dsifssioeo­tdfuhpfecn­i. twvmea ttliIgaorc­cidbiechtp­ite eeeottyaat­isldnooyee­sssssrt-- lie irtits bn setedyru vvyttar ara scosh hsinee nsiiay etse iiratds teAeeityee­d rsr u tte e oariaeso in srsr o oiocdeoirf­o ar ol leee stn inohnda tna sneop, emse c fii fl. c - i i s fet n , o c aeef a r o


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 ?? ?? The I ndian Council f or Cultural Relations i s offering 30 scholarshi­ps for students from the Kingdom of Eswatini under the Africa Scholarshi­p Scheme ( G0179) for the academic year 2023- 24. These scholarshi­ps cover undergradu­ate to PhD courses.
The I ndian Council f or Cultural Relations i s offering 30 scholarshi­ps for students from the Kingdom of Eswatini under the Africa Scholarshi­p Scheme ( G0179) for the academic year 2023- 24. These scholarshi­ps cover undergradu­ate to PhD courses.

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