Times of Eswatini

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MBABANE – Over E27 million is reported to have disappeare­d in the Ministry of Housing and Urban Developmen­t while over E90 000 was allocated to a non-existing responsibi­lity centre.

This is contained in the Auditor General’s AG report for the financial year ended March 31, 2022.

In his report, the AG raised Tuery about unrecovere­d funds under +uman Settlement 'evelopment Account, which amounted to E27 782 882.73.

³I reported that an audit Tuery raised in the previous year on unrecovere­d public funds amounting to E27 782 882.73 in respect of +uman Settlement 'evelopment, under the Principal Secretary’s 2ffice, was not addressed by the ministry,” he said.

+e highlighte­d that Section 11, paragraph 1.8 of the )inancial Management and Ac counting Procedures Manual 1993 stip ulated that ³Suspense Accounts were the temporary locations for any transactio­ns where the correct centre and item or amounts were not immediatel­y apparent.”

The aforementi­oned section went on to state that, after this informatio­n became Nnown, the entry would be transferre­d out of the Suspense Account and allocated to the correct item.

Section 11, paragraph 2.20 further pro vides that ³greatest attention needs to be paid to the reconcilia­tion of below the line accounts as part of the year end procedures since any remaining balances will show in the Treasury 5eport as an asset or liability and will be carried forward to the next financial year.”

According to the section, statements de tailing all balances should be forwarded to Treasury to support the entries in the State ment of Assets and /iabilities and to enable the AG to verify such balances.


In his response, the controllin­g officer in the ministry stated that on the May 27, 2021, the Public Accounts &ommittee PA& recommende­d that the Eswatini 1ational +ousing %oard should pay bacN the money.

The AG asserted that the controllin­g officer did not provide him with an update on the status of his ministry’s implementa­tion of the Public Accounts &ommittee resolution.

)urthermore E37 472 was reportedly released to an undisclose­d responsibi­lity centres in the reporting year.

³I observed that a budget of E93 268 was appropriat­ed and a budget amounting to E37 472 released to undisclose­d 5esponsibi­lity &entres in the Establishm­ent 5egister for the financial year 2021/2022.

³These responsibi­lity centres were not disclosed in the Establishm­ent 5egister ± Supporting the Estimates of Public Expend iture for the financial year 2021/2022, and therefore they were not valid responsibi­lity centres.

³The table provides a list of the invalid 5esponsibi­lity &entres. All 5esponsibi­lity &entres should be reflected in the Estab lishment 5egister for each financial year to support the Estimates %udget of public expenditur­e for the fiscal year,” he said.

The AG raised concerns that the 5espon sibility &entres that do not appear in the Establishm­ent 5egister might have been abolished or non existing and not for ser vice delivery.

+e said the practice created room for misappropr­iation and diversion of public funds and results in misinforme­d budget proMection­s.

The principal secretary was urged to con firm the existence of these responsibi­lity centres that were not appearing in the es tablishmen­t register and to explain why the responsibi­lity centres were not included in the establishm­ent register, and to eliminate abolished and or non existing responsibi­lity centres with immediate effect, and budget allocation­s should be made only to the ap proved responsibi­lity centres.

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