Times of Eswatini

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MBABANE – As the year commences, Pageants Eswatini has announced that they are gearing up for the upcoming pageant season and online applicatio­ns will be opened on Monday.

“There is not much activity as we are still at the entry stage and engag ing partners, but we will be opening the online, along with the video ap plications,´ Musa Mantinto who is part of the 3ageants (swatini team. They had also mentioned that they were going back to the video submis sion format because the online appli cation route was rather slow and no activity was seen, which made them draw a conclusion that applicants found it challengin­g as opposed to the previous year’s entry method.

,t is worth noting that for this year 3ageants (swatini announced that they were reviving old pageant methods and introducin­g new ones to create gender eTuality.

One of the pageants organ iser Musawenkho­si Mantinto shared that this year as an associatio­n they wanted to en courage young people of all gen ders to get out of their shells.


3ageants are a means of e[pressing national, commu nal, reli gious, or other kinds o f group pur pose or identi ty, which is what Mantinto men tioned that they as a body were looking at achieving.

“$s of Monday, anyone

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1. Miss Eswatini 2. Mr Eswatini 3. Miss Cultural Heritage 4. Miss Teen Eswatini 5. Mr Teen Eswatini 6. Little Miss Eswatini 7. Little Mr Eswatini

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Miss and Mr Eswatini - September 30, 2023

Miss and Mr Teen Eswatini - July 29, 2023

Little Miss and Mr Eswatini - June 24, 2023

Miss Cultural Heritage will be confirmed by MCH Committee

wishes to enter should state their name, surname, age, region, the reason why they should be chosen for the pageant they are entering and their mission statement,´ further mentioned Mantinto.

The pageants will take place in the following order; /ittle Miss and Mr will be the first pageants fol lowed by Miss and Mr Teen and then Miss and Mr (swatini and lastly Miss &ultural +eri tage. The associatio­n urged the corporate world and individ uals to come on board and be part of the change in the pageant industry.

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