Times of Eswatini

Let’s continue to save the environmen­t


last decade has „een the hottest on record, ancdlimwae­teareemneo­rwgefnaccy­inogf HE unIfpwarea­dlloelne’dt mpraokpeos­ritgionnif­si.cant and rapid changes, we will see continǦ fmuieredlt­ariinsdign­rogafgpili­code„cdaael ptfoesmr, ecpsotenar­taitonuner.netss, tohne

ecycling is a key part of the cirǦ coulrarnae­tcuornaolm­reys, ohuerlpcei­nsg. toacphroyt­eeacrt, tshae˜eǮsse˜oe˜netrh͹reͲsͲomuri­cleli’oȋrnetcoyc­nlnae„sleisnȌ ed ʹtoeimnics­rseiaosnes,taonͳd„thililsioi­ns ptoronŒsec„tyǦ iʹsͲo͵nͲ.tThheefreo­instnloind­eoiun„tthre cwyaclrint­og hsau˜meatnhiety­f.uture of our planet and a frsownattǦ­ilninie aectyicoln­inggathoen­raingœathies tinodgeuts­htreyr aondonsew˜aetninuiec,oNngswumen­eyras

lass, on arch ʹͶ to ʹͷ, ʹͲʹ͵ to esoemfnwps­iaotsiwste­etrohnceoc­nnlaistmiu­oamnteoenr­cshthateno­giwmeapara­ndcdst

IN , IN and Ǧ IN . erTinhge reccyyccll­eirnsg, mešahniu„fiatciotun­reisrsg,adtihsǦ

Tongoing tree planting pcaemakpaa­isgnt heas roeraecsht­ed iatys HE commemorat­ion draws closer. Ttrheespwa­esrtewplea­enktead attotahlal­oafkaʹhͷlͲ­e

ethodist rimary chool in tlinehdaei­rgneheniro­sseulswter­eerneispto­reopg˜liaoidnnte,adwrowhuei­ntrhde ftohreitrh­sechtroeoe­l prleamntii­snegs.cTahmep˜aisiigonn, aTsoulariu­snmchaend „yn˜tihreonmin­einsttaelr ofǦf fwaairssf,orotrseess tiola„keatpi,lalanstted­mionnathll pthaeyifno­gurpraergt­iocunslaor­fatthte nctoiuontr­toy cpluin„ilcics dawndelpli­anrgksss. uch as schools,

Ttri„utors, retailers, ecopreneur­s, foirnganci­siatlioins­t,irteunteio­wnas„,ltereanine­irngyg companies, and any greenǦconǦ sthcieouca­sr„„uosninfeos­osetps rthinat ainre rsewduact inig. isn„eywpaayryt­oicuicpaan­timnagkien­atdhieffer­reenecne d˜enture series.

The reen d˜enture series takes pǮclraocce­odatileN’giwn esni ywaawtih. Tichismnea­amnes ctaoimnsec­sofnrotami­ntihnegfta­hcet mthianteth­weams coruoncǦ


odileǦshap­ed, „efore hea˜yǦmining a„negcaensti­rnatlhsehͳ­aͻp͸e.ͲNs agnwdedney­faaceidnte­his considered the oldest mine in the worilnd.the legendary reen dǦ c˜oenstuisrt­es oefrierese­ant Nugnwseȋnʹ­yͳak, mwhainchd ͳͲkmȌ, reen walk ȋͺ.ͷkm and aͷnkdmwȌ,hereelcehn­aiwr hriedelris­eȌs. ȋunicycle Tlahsessta­crtoarnyd, finswishat­iisnai’tsNnguwmen„year œonhianalas­tein„otdenoȀe.unrisimnsw­ctaiekctͳi­anͻngiͺfdg­r͹lor,amNescsgyͳ­wcͲaleͲirn­erygeiancd­yeclwsalet­saidsǦǦ sg“oluacasisl­ai.ltyimu, fipuldanic­ncttg.iounpoalni­tayr, e„peuatuatyi­oannodf sgtoTrohdn­egfo„rroeoeysno­tuaordf ˜meenenentr­utgarylewh­sheiarllei­tehyso,iuas Nslyugcpwi­apgueonnsr­eytu.aapnmeteod­indni˜seaciyrooǣ­n˜nemr teahnrecth­allelʹgyͷe­f.rnidenardy­Ǧ

nigtwnesso­sluotinoen­s.ac„olmes aonrdregai­sntœeirnia.t

https://events. or more infoǣ call or emailǣ

7643 8924 orTo ešhi„it emailǣ call

breathegre­eneswatini@ gmail.com

7812 4731 e would like to thank the folǦ

breathegre­enexhibiti­on@ lowing partnersǣ swatini n˜iǦ

gmail.com ronment uthorities, swatini Tousrpiist­malituytah­nodritTyo, Nurgiwsmen­yassolcais­asǦ, tion of swatini, ush Tra˜el Tours, maormketni­ngn, liemsittin­edy,groriumpe, Idnisat,ituattei of waste anagement swatini, rsiwcatlai­n„i„heortu,siintnge„sosarodn,e clyimps.e,

 ?? ?? Before the planting begins.
Before the planting begins.
 ?? (Courtesy pics) ?? Recycling is a key part of the circular economy, helping to protect our natural resources and minimises emissions. (R) Join the legendary Green Adventure Series at Ngwenya which consists of Green Runs (21km &10km), Green walk (8.5km & 5km), Green wheelies (unicycle and wheelchair riders).
(Courtesy pics) Recycling is a key part of the circular economy, helping to protect our natural resources and minimises emissions. (R) Join the legendary Green Adventure Series at Ngwenya which consists of Green Runs (21km &10km), Green walk (8.5km & 5km), Green wheelies (unicycle and wheelchair riders).
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? Theseyoung­menwerehar­datwork digging and planting the seedlings.
Theseyoung­menwerehar­datwork digging and planting the seedlings.
 ?? ?? The pupils being assisted by their teacher.
The pupils being assisted by their teacher.
 ?? ?? Bringing life to the seedlings by watering them.
Bringing life to the seedlings by watering them.
 ?? ?? A learner planting a tree.
A learner planting a tree.
 ?? ?? These girls decided to join hands in planting a tree.
These girls decided to join hands in planting a tree.

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