Times of Eswatini

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I have always had a complicate­d relationsh­ip with religion. The church is supposed to be a sanctuary, a place where we go to replenish our spirits and connect with a supreme being. But after many years attending church, it became very apparent that it was not to be like that.

It’s within the confines of the church where we see some of the flaws of our human existence shine through. Any fanatical devotion to a religion is bound to create devotees that aren’t as critical and aware of the history of that religion. Yes, there are terrible Muslim people, as there are terrible Christians, but to then blame an entire religion is not fair. Regardless, of whatever religion one identifies with, they are still an autonomous individual, creating and performing actions according to their own perception­s of the world. What’s right for one is not necessaril­y right for the next person. We preach love and acceptance but when opportunit­ies to put that into action are presented to us, we seem to always fail.

We as Africans may have lost sight of our true African religious ancestry mainly because colonialis­t ideas of religion were drilled into our psyche and our slaughteri­ng and rituals portrayed as barbaric.

You cannot judge the creation without judging the Creator, therefore in our journey through life, regardless of what religion you believe in or even if you don’t believe in any, be conscious of the mere fact that we are all trying to navigate through these tumultuous waters of life as best as we can. You see, I found God nowhere near the church.

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