Times of Eswatini



Eyear in the US alone dogs bite more than 4.5 million people, some of whom die. But the truth is that people, not dogs, cause dog bites. Dog bites are a preventabl­e problem. Responsibl­e dog ownership and public education can prevent dog bite.

Things to do BEFORE you get a dog

Before getting a dog, think

hard about what breed would suit your family and lifestyle. Frustrated dogs are likely to bite. Frustratio­n is caused by: lack of exercise, loneliness (dogs are sociable and must have company), starvation, illness, chaining (dogs don’t have the mental structures to cope with the solitary confinemen­t of chaining which makes them crazy). If your dog’s needs are not provided for, he will be mentally unbalanced and likely to bite. Be careful about bringing a

dog into a home with a baby or toddler already present. Dogs are more likely to bite

fearful people so make sure no-one in the family is scared of dogs.

Sterilize ALL dogs. Sterilizin­g

● reduces aggressive tendencies. do not confuse aggression

with the ability to be a good guard dog. Aggressive dogs


are dangerous to everyone, they are the worst guard dogs. Do not play aggressive games ● with your dog.

If he shows signs of aggression during play, immediatel­y take him for a brisk walk to calm him down and redirect his energy.

Things to teach about dogs: children

Do not


Do not run from a dog.

Do not scream near a dog.

When approached by a

strange dog, stand still “like a tree”.

If knocked over by a dog, roll

into a ball and lie still “like a log”.

Do not play with a dog unless

supervised by an adult.

Do not disturb a dog who is


astrange eating, sleeping or caring for puppies.

If a dog


Immediatel­y report stray

dogs or dogs behaving unusually to an adult.

Avoid eye contact with a dog.

Do not pet a dog without allowing

● it to see and sniff you first.

If bitten, immediatel­y report

the bite to an adult. growls, back away

Why do dogs bite? Dominance.

Dominant dogs

will bite. Dogs require a calm assertive human leader or they will become dominant.

Breeding dogs

protect their own family, not yours. If you want a guard dog, sterilize it and treat it as a member of your family/ pack. The dog will then guard


your family – bound by the laws of nature.

Never punish a dog. It

causes negative behaviours. Dogs respond best to positive motivation. Reward and praise are the best motivators.

Dogs that don’t

get enough exercise or that are chained are mentally unbalanced and likely to bite. Take your dog for a daily walk. Never chain a dog.


example, if you break up a dog fight but the energy levels are still high, the dog may bite you.

Fear. Frustratio­n. Redirected aggression.

A dog in pain may bite. Don’t pester dogs. ●

Don’t allow children to pester dogs. The only way they have of stopping you is to bite.

Pain. Pestered.

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