Times of Eswatini

If Jesus Christ could return today


+528*+287 his journey here on earth, -esus Christ was subjected to a lot of ridicule and abuse.

He was hated by some, while others felt threated by His mere presence. That he proclaimed to be the son of God made life for him even harder. People found it hard to believe this.He was later arrested and prosecuted, then sentenced to death.

Even on His way to the cross, where he was to be crucified, He was still being insulted and whipped. He died a gruesome death but rose on the third day and mingled with some of the people who had watched Him being killed.

He ascended to heaven a few weeks later.

Before the son of God disappeare­d into the clouds, He promised that He would return to fetch the righteous, who would have lived by God’s :ord. He did not state the date. $s a result, those who believe In Him, now known as Christians, do not know when that day will be.

It could be today, tomorrow or 22 years from now. 1ow, if He would come back today, and choose Eswatini as the place where He would begin His second journey on earth, would -esus receive a 5ock star welcome"

:ould He be welcomed by multitudes of excited emaSwati at the border" :ould people rush to Him for blessings, bringing along their sick children and relatives as well" :ould men and women kneel and bow their heads as He passed by where they would be waiting for Him" :ould hundreds of people line the freeways, hoping to just catch a glimpse of Him as He passed by"

Think about it«would -esus be pursued by many, even delirious politician­s, to where He would be resting for a few days"


:ould He get expensive gifts, like cars and cattle, from well-off emaSwati and be worshipped the same way we do when we shout His name in church"

The likelihood of this happening seems to be diminishin­g by the day. Instead, there is a huge possibilit­y that -esus Christ would once again be ridiculed and labelled an impostor. Only a handful would believe that He was the same man who was crucified in Golgotha so many years ago.

-ournalists would rush to ask Him many Tuestions, to determine if He was indeed the /ord. They would take pictures of Him and spread them across their pages, saying, µThis man claims to be -esus Christ, the son of God.’ 1ot even one headline would read, µ)inally, -esus Christ returns’.

Editors would be screaming on top of their voices, ³It’s not what you know but what you can prove Do not take his word for it. Do your own investigat­ions and bring proof before we can print the story.´

0aking matters worse is the fact that nobody knows what Christ looked like. :e would all be confused because He probably looks nothing like the usual images of Him we see in pictures and movies. There were no cameras during His time on this godforsake­n earth.

It is possible that He would find Himself becoming a guest at His 0ajesty’s Correction­al Services, while means would be made to determine His real identity. Some could even demand D1$ tests, forgetting that such reTuires that one or both parents of the subject be tested as well.

Only when His jail cell was opened would everyone realise that He was indeed, the son of God. That cell would be empty and those of us who live righteousl­y would have long left planet Earth with Him.

Only those who now have their own gods would remain here, awaiting their dreadful trip to Hades.

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