Times of Eswatini

Social media woes: Living in times of disinforma­tion

- BY ALEX NXUMALO (alexnxu13@gmail.com)

2: could the global community cope without instant communicat­ion gadgets like cellular phone, emails, etc., respective­ly - and, yes, the inevitable and phenomenal social media platforms"

Without any shadow of doubt, the advent of instant communicat­ion platforms like social media has brought immense advantages to the global community.

$t the same time, like everything else in life, this phenomenal and trending type of social networking concept has its pros and cons.

6ome of us have enjoyed and continue to enjoy the use of, and, are hopelessly addicted to social media platforms like the hugely popular Facebook platform, such that some of us sometimes feel completely lost, frustrated and empty when we lack data to logon to such platforms.

, saw it proper to - after several attempts - finally dedicate an article about this immensely beneficial, but very contentiou­s, and, controvers­ial type of social networking platform.

*ranted, , am no authority or expert on such a subject, but, will give it my best shot and do my utmost best to address especially its pros and cons.

%ut, first, for the benefit of the ‘uninitiate­d’, let me describe what is this ‘nunu christened social media" What is the simple definition of social media"

The best definition of social media, according to *oogle 6earch, is “The means of interactio­ns among people in which they create, share, and/or exchange informatio­n and ideas in virtual communitie­s and networks...´

,n a nutshell, when was social media invented" Or, better still, when did social media begin" Was it invented, or did the technology, maybe, evolve over time"


4uote - “There are no simple answers to any of those Tuestions since the origin of social media remains under debate.


“'id it start with the birth of the telegraph an outdated apparatus that was used to communicat­e at a distance over a wire in , or with what ultimately became the internet in

" Or, was social media invented with the introducti­on of the first digital bulletin boards in "

“0any, however, argue that social media was invented when the first social networking websites launched in . 8ltimately, the credit for social media lies with many innovative thinkers who contribute­d their ideas over decades.

“6ocial media saw its origins in traditiona­l forms of written communicat­ion. The earliest methods of communicat­ing across great distances relied on hand-delivered correspond­ence such as letters. The earliest postal service began as early as %.&.(., and the primitive delivery system ultimately grew, widespread, and streamline­d across the following centuries.

“The telegraph was invented in

, and it allowed personal messages to be delivered over long distances much faster than a horse and rider could carry them. $lthough telegraph messages were short, they were a revolution­ary way to convey news and informatio­n. ,n fact, many claim the birth of social media correspond­ed with the developmen­t of the telegraph.

“Two important discoverie­s occurred in the final decade of the

s The telephone in and the radio in . Telephone lines and radio signals enabled people to communicat­e across great distances instantane­ously, something that mankind had never before experience­d.

“%oth technologi­es are still in use today, although the modern versions are far more sophistica­ted than their predecesso­rs...´ - 8nTuote.

Uyatsandza noma awutsandzi, social media is here to stay and, it has changed the world in an unbelievab­le and, unbeatable way.

The breakneck, high-speed and, mammoth adoption of these instant communicat­ion and networking, platform technologi­es is awesome. ,t is, for instance, changing how we find long lost friends; make friends, find love partners; conduct business locally, and, internatio­nally; access informatio­n, from the news, and, most importantl­y, organise to demand political changes.


Without further ado, let’s dive straight into the pros and cons of using social media. %y the way, ‘pros’ are the favourable and ‘cons’ are the unfavourab­le, respective­ly, factors or reasons or advantages, and disadvanta­ges of anything.

,t is a great inconvenie­nce to lose your cellphone, be out of data, airtime; or not to have a cellular phone at all these days. Owning a cellular phone, especially smart phones has become a deeply ingrained or rooted habit in many ways in a majority of us. We depend on our smartphone­s for work, school, our personal and social lives, as well as for business communicat­ion.

We spend an astounding amount of time on social media sites. One report indicates that the average time people, especially teens between the ages to years, spend between - hours on social media each day

6ome of the advantages of social sites or platforms include

6taying connected worldwide ● on social sites with family and friends via text messages, even calls; making friends virtually, finding love relationsh­ips; advertisem­ent for one’s business, engaging in political debate, instantly mobilising for political participat­ion in issues of political interest and concern, organising protests, etc.

4uick access to informatio­n,

search for, and read local, and, global news; search for almost any informatio­n on the web; conduct research..etc.

'o banking and payment of bills

at our fingertips.

Online learning; improving on

job skills; content discovery e.g. music genres, download movies, etc., in sites like

0akes it easier for civic organisati­ons

● to involve people in civic engagement activities like fundraisin­g, social awareness and providing a powerful voice for the downtrodde­n, underprivi­leged, etcetera.

3eople can search for and find

opportunit­ies for remote employment

1ow, let’s come to the part that has made social media sites notorious for the wrong reasons - the cons...

-ust ike most things, using social media has its good, the bad, and, yes, the ugly. ,nevitably, it also has its dangers which are forever presenting threats to the gullible, and, unsuspecti­ng. ,t negatively impacts the lives of many, especially teen-agers.


6ocial media itself, exactly like money, is not the problem. ,t is the way people use it, largely for ulterior, and, devious intentions, especially in place of actual communicat­ion and physical socialisin­g. ‘Friends’ on social media may not actually be friends, and may even be very devious, and, unscrupulo­us strangers with ulterior, and, sinister motives.

,t is perpetuall­y cautioned numerous times by many organisati­ons, especially those that try to curb or stop cybercrime, to use social media sites, very cautiously.

6ocial media sites, users are also cautioned that, ‘the more time spent on social media can lead to cyberbully­ing, social anxiety, depression and exposure to content that is not age appropriat­e...’

/et me share what ZZZ P\OLIHVSDQ RUJ warns about the dangers of increased usage of social media sites, without being cautious.

“6ocial media is addictive. When you’re playing a game or accomplish­ing a task, you seek to do it as well as you can. Once you succeed, your brain will give you a dose of dopamine and other happiness hormones, making you happy.

“The same mechanism functions when you post a picture to ,nstagram or Facebook. Once you see all the notificati­ons for likes and positive comments popping up on your screen, you’ll subconscio­usly register it as a reward. %ut that’s not all, social media is full of mood-modifying experience­s.

“Fear of missing out FO0O has become a common theme, and often leads to continual checking of social media sites. The idea that you might miss out on something if you’re not online can affect your mental health.

“6elf-image issues 6ocial media sites provide tools that allow people to earn others’ approval for their appearance and the possibilit­y to compare themselves to others. ,t can be associated with body image concerns.


“The ‘selfie-holics’, and people who spend most of their time posting and scrolling are the ones most vulnerable to this. ,n fact, most college girls who use Facebook at least five times a day are likely to link their self-worth to their looks.

“That doesn’t mean that the main problem is social media; it only provides a medium for it, which further elevates the problem. ,t also promotes the same sort of behaviour to others.

“6ocial media and bullying 6adly, there is an ugly side to all that technology offers. While bullying is not a new concept, social media and technology have brought bullying to a new level. ,t becomes a more constant, ever-present threat, cyberbully­ing. The 6tate of 5hode ,sland anti-bullying laws and regulation­s define bullying and cyberbully­ing as follows

‘%ullying’ means the use by one or more students of a written, verbal or electronic expression or a physical act or gesture or any combinatio­n thereof directed at a student that

&auses physical or emotional ● harm to the student or damage to the student’s property, places the student in reasonable fear of harm to himself/herself or of damage to his/her property; creates an intimidati­ng, threatenin­g, hostile, or abusive educationa­l environmen­t for the student

,nfringes on the rights of the student ● to participat­e in school activities; materially and substantia­lly disrupts the education process or the orderly operation of a school ‘&yberbullyi­ng’ means bullying through the use of technology or any electronic communicat­ion, which shall include, but not be limited to, any transfer of signs, signals, writing, images; sounds, data, texting or intelligen­ce of any nature transmitte­d in whole or in part by a wire, radio, electromag­netic, photo electronic or photo optical system, including, but not limited to, electronic mail, ,nternet communicat­ions, instant messages or facsimile communicat­ions...

, mention below one of the most devastatin­g cons or negatives of addiction to social media sites

“6ocial media and suicide. 6adly, the cons of social media can take a toll on young minds. 6uicide remains among the leading causes of death of children under age . ,n most cases, young people die from hanging...´ 8nTuote.

Well, there you have it.

1ow, taking you down painful, memory lane to the hard to forget, -une , unrests.

6ocial media platforms, especially, Facebook, played a very pivotal and crucial role in letting the global community, as well as local citi]ens know about the brutality that was unleashed on protesters who were protesting, and, calling for democratic changes in the country, by the country’s security forces.

Were it not for the availabili­ty of such technology, a lot could have been swept under the carpet by those who do not want their nefarious deeds known.


The global community as well as those of us who reside in the country was shocked to the bone marrow to see graphics of protesters whose bodies, and limbs were riddled with bullets. , still have the shivers going down my spine whenever , recall those gory pictures.

The other sad misuse of social media are the daily, and, unpalatabl­e insults traded between members of political parties, as well as those hurled at the country’s leaders. ,t is mind bogging to see how ema6wati have stooped so low preferring to viciously berate each other, and engage in the use of derogatory language, and, aggressive comments whenever they do not see eye-to-eye or have differing, political views.

6ocial media sites are a hotbed of such insults. ,t is very dishearten­ing to read posts laced with insults that can shame even the father of lies himself - 6atan the devil.

6uch negatives have created a bad name for the positives of social media platforms.

, personally plead with each and every social media user to refrain from abusing such beneficial technology. 'isinformat­ion is also very ripe in social media sites. The peddling of lies about leaders of political parties, and, those in government has become a pastime for many users. This is wrong, and, ungodly. ,ssuing of threats against other people is also on the increase on social media.

, sincerely hope this article will cause users of social media sites to do a serious introspect­ion, and, use such technology to empower - not destroy - not only themselves, but, others as well. 3eace Shalom!

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